Hey, I am 22 years old and just got out of a 2 and half year relationship with a 26 year old guy. Although I broke up with him I fealt like I was driven to it. He began to just not value the relationship and just didn't really seem to care about my time and almost like he didn't respect me. He has been really stressed lately because of graduating university and also because his mom is very sick with brain cancer and I want to be there with him. We talked about marriage and the future, and I honestly thought he was the one. I am really having trouble letting go. We broke up before for 4 months and realized how much we should be together and got back together, and that was over a year ago. I don't know if this breakup is for good or not. I feel like I should try to move on, but there is something in me that won't let go. I don't know what to do. I am going to go start to see a councellor about it. I just really love him and am finding myself constintely thinking about him, and then I just tell my self he is not good for me, but I really just don't know what to do. I really need some help......Thanks