More threads by oozadokkoo

Hello anyone,

I'll start by telling a bit about myself.

Male, 19 years old, musician, most of time is spent alone in my room, but almost everyday i'm outside with 'friends' hanging out and such.

I dunno really what my problem is coming from. But i do know that i want my solution to consist of the following: talkative, happy/content/(maybe just self acceptance?), comfortable, CONFIDENT.

I'm a quiet quiet person. Not shy or nervous, but i feel like i have nothing to say in conversations even with friends. Yesterday for example, i was hanging out with a friend. He does most of the talking cause he knows i'm quiet. But we met up with some other friends we raaarrleeeyy hangout with. Naturaly these friends (people in general) expect everyone to be somewhat talkative and be contributing to conversation. I wasn't able to. I could observe the content of the conversation fine, but could not come up with anything to give back. This eventually lead to those friends not saying bye to me when they got on the bus to leave. I felt so awful!! i still do. They must think i wasn't talking because i dislike them or something. But that's not the case, i'm just quiet.. and i don't know how to fix that.

I think being confident and comfortable could put me into a better state of mind that would allow me to naturally converse with people. I shouldn't be stressing to find things to say for the sake of just contributing, i should be enjoying the event. I think that conversation would come stupidly easy if i'm just having a good a time.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to open up, feel better about self, or be more confident? perhaps someone has a different solution all together that could help?
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