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I saw a few weeks ago in the euronews tv chanel that a study was made were the conclusion was that schizophrenia was caused not by an imbalance of dopamine but of serotonin. Can someone please confirm this and point me more information on this?

Thank you in advance

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Any claim like that about schizophrenia is almost certainly to be false, or at best grossly oversimplified. I highly doubt that there is any single "cause" of schizophrenia but it will almost certainly involve genetic (chromosomal) factors, complex interactions of brain chemistry, brain abnormalities, developmental factors, and possibly viral infections in the individual or the mother.
I searched the euronews site for the video and the video was gone. It only said the folowing:

"Anne Rebecca Zenner has been hearing voices in her head for six years. Unable to concentrate, she takes medication and is on disability benefits aged just 25. It is a lottery as to whether her medication works or not. Side effects include heart problems and obesity.

But a team of scientists at Glostrup Psychiatric Centre have made a discovery about the causes of schizophrenia which could lead to a more effective treatment."

Googling Glostrup and schizophrenia I found the folowing article, which is probably what the euronews was talking about:

Arch Gen Psychiatry -- Abstract: Decreased Frontal Serotonin2A Receptor Binding in Antipsychotic-Naive Patients With First-Episode Schizophrenia, January 2010, Rasmussen et al. 67 (1): 9

Reading the avaialable part, it seems that it was an oversimplification by the euronews chanel.
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