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Hi All, Its been a while since I have been here. I have tried yet again, to get another job, and now I am getting the royal run around. I went in for an interview (photography company) and the human resource lady invited me back to talk to a second person. For 3 weeks now, I have been trying to get a hold of her to see what is going on, and I get her voicemail, or a slew of every excuse in the book why she wont take my call. I mean, seriously, if I am not a fit for the company, why not just tell me? WHY do they think it professional to just ignore my calls? :hissyfit:
I am now just calling them every day to bug the heck out of them. I know I will never work there, but I want to know why they treated me like this.
Part of me wants to contact the owner as its a family business, and this lady (not family) is not doing her job properly.
Would you contact the owner?


Hey Sunset,

In my opinion, I wouldn't even bother with that company anymore. Why put yourself through that aggravation. Your energy is probably better spent looking for work elsewhere instead of hating this place and them not getting back to you.

:goodluck: in your search for a new and better job :)


Thx halo for your response. I know its a waste of my time, but I feel like bugging them. I know thats bad, but ....whatever..


but I feel like bugging them. I know thats bad

You're right!

I believe it could be counter productive, though I can understand how it might seem to be satisfying.

Not knowing the size of community in which you live, or if you are planning to work in the field of photography, but antagonizing a prospective employer could bite you sometime in the future.

People move around and/or talk to one another in business, so if you get bad reputation, even as an applicant, the word might get around.

I would say, it's in your best interests to let it go. Besides, as Halo says, it's just not worth the aggravation. The energy spent on getting back at the impolite HR woman, would be more productively spent seeking out another prospective employer.


Steve does make a good point about getting a bad reputation in a field that you want to work in. I know that the field that I work in is a pretty tight community and people do talk. Too many times I have seen people's reputations get ruined based on things they have done and I wouldn't want the same thing to happen to you. Maybe it is best if you just let it go and move on to finding bigger and better things. Basically I guess what I am trying to say is don't shoot yourself in the foot or burn your bridges.

:friends: :hug:
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