More threads by A Nonny Mouse


What exactly are you looking for? People who are serious about mental health aren't interested in playing games. You keep reaching out for "help" but do nothing to help yourself. It has to start with you.
Again .. Wow .. You think we enjoy this ? Any idea what it took to reach out and actually post ?? Think we enjoy this ?? As for helping yourself ... What more do we need to do ? Just said, we told cpn, got 7 mins, told nothoing they can do will be back in a month maybe, saw gp the week before .. So please .. Any other ideas are welcome ... But please stop assuming we are not trying here ...


What kind of help are you looking for? What has your GP said? What kind of help have you received in the
Past? Who is we?
Again who is WE and how can we help you we are not understanding fully your situation You doctors and health team are the ones that fully understand where you are at. There are suggestions given to you have you read them are you interested in what we are trying to say to you I don't know what else we can say or do to help you
Nonny, I did not mean to sound cruel at all. I meant my words as a wake up call. Help is available here. Suggestions and questions have been asked of you before and now. Is it possible to answer the question of "who is we?" Others have asked you questions as well. Can you offer any constructive information that would offer insight into your current situation? Nearly everyone who utilizes this site comes with issues seeking understanding, information, compassion, and acceptance. However, in order to move along within our lives, we have to give ourselves permission to move ahead.
Not diagnosed anything other than borderline and refer to self as we most of the time, there are personality traits but no defined personalities. We get bullied for it so becomes an issue trying to explain.


Can you offer any constructive information that would offer insight into your current situation?

Nonny, I think that is a very good question from Jesse and it could be helpful if you would try to respond.
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What kind of information ? Our history is long and boring and would send you all to sleep ... Happy to answer questions, but unable to just 'verbalise' (or written equvilent) ... Its just not in us ... Too broken.


Whatever information you would like to share. Boring does not matter as I have insomnia so even better if it sends me to sleep ;)
Nonny, thank you for clarifying yourself. What has changed within your life these past few months? What are you seeking assistance with at this time?
Thanks for replies. Wasn't seeking assistance with anything specific ... We are very isolated, only people we see are at work (all over 80), or the children (under 11). Have no adults we speak to, see, text etc. And ... We just 'needed' to exist somewhere ... Sorry.
No need for an apology. Isolation not always a good thing. If I recall correctly, you are in an isolated location. You mention working, so outside of work, do you have ways to occupy your time?
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