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Ok here i go again. Been on cipralex for pure 0 on and off for a few years but every time i lower my dose it comes back worse.

I have been on the higher dose of 20 mg for 14 weeks and apart from two weeks at about 10 weeks feel terrible.

The obsessions arent really bothering me but they seem to be going on like some background noise all the time. Most of hte the tiem i manage not to ruminate but not all the time!

What do i do? give the meds longer or is this realy not working for me

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
While it's possible a different medication might be more effective in managing the obsessive thoughts, no medication can do all of the work. You need to be doing some form of therapy in addition to taking the medication.

Have a look at the threads on Brain Lock here as well as the Cognitive Behavior Therapy threads.
Thanks David. I am doing a lot of work myself but although the thoughts arent as prominant, i wake up anxious and have overwhelming feelings through out the day! This is the worse i have felt for about 10 years, i actually felt like running away today as really cannot cope with all the background anxiety. I feel that i am not thinking things but they are going on without me knowing and feeling the effects of it. If that makes sense x
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