More threads by Crazy Cat

Crazy Cat

Hi, I'm new here and have a question. Its long and I apologize about that but I have to get the facts straight.

About 3 years ago I found out from one of my husband's aunts that my husband had borrowed large sums of money without me knowing, took a loan against our mortgage, sent his mom and his secretary's mom on a cruise (the aunt told me that he and the secretary were supposed to go - husband swears thats not the case). I found out that his entire family thought I was a "gold-digger" and pretty much hated me. I ended up sitting in the hospital with her for 2 weeks because she was having panic attacks when she woke up and didn't see a familiar face. At this point she told me that she wished she knew the "real me" and that all that time was wasted. Then she told me that I could have been her daughter. Understand, this is the last thing I thought she'd ever say to me. But she realized that my husband and his sister were making me look bad.

One night I took the opportunity to raid my husband's office (he owns his own company). I found 15 polaroids of my husband, fully dressed but posed in the secretary's desk. Husband said she took photos to send his mother a framed photo for Christmas. Why wouldn't he ask me to do it or even to be in it???? So I'm not buying it. I found that she had a credit card with her name that was charged to the company where she bought groceries & Christmas presents, etc.

I've had problems with his sister since we were dating. I knew she spread rumors about me to his family but he refused to stick up for me saying he didn't want to rock the boat. Of course, this left me feeling that I wasn't the first priority in his life.

So after hearing all this and arguing for days I decided to see a lawyer and file for divorce. We were still living together and I told him to expect a letter from my attorney. He kept saying "I'll never see the inside of that letter" meaning that he didn't want me to divorce him.

He made me tons of promises, he'd fire his secretary, blah, blah, blah. He pretty much had an answer for everything and said he didn't tell me because I fly off the handle and that I'm "not stable enough to handle it". Nice, huh???

Anyway, I cancelled the lawyer and its 3-4 years later and nothing has been resolved. About 3 months after he made all these promises he actually had the balls to tell me that he blatantly lied to me about firing her and all because he knew his business would be assessed for the divorce. Also, about that time, he asked me to go to the animal shelter with him to see a dog. He had them bring the dog out and I stayed outside while he said he was going to fill out the paperwork. Since I've done shelter work, I thought he meant a pre-adopt form. Little that I know that he had gone earlier in the day with his secretary to pick out the dog and I had no say in it.

He swears to high heaven he didn't have sex with her. But he also lies - I can ask him a very specific question, like , where did you get that $9150 check from? He'll deny it. Like I pulled the number out of my head and it happned to be right? Finally he said he borrowed from his father.

Thing is, I can't let this go. I regret not following through with the divorce. We had money in the bank and the deal was that he'd buy me a house and I wouldn't touch his business. Right after all that though, he cleaned out the account. I'm not in the position to get an apartment, I need my own house or townhouse.

He's ruined our credit by taking every penny out of the bank and he tells me its for his business but he cares more about that than us losing our house or going to jail for tax evasion.

So, my question is - am I obsessing? Every time I bring it up he says - and I quote - "why do you keep bringing up the past. I only look forward" To me, this is avoiding the issue. It has never been resolved. He didn't keep his promises, his secretary still works for him, we still have the idiot dog (I know its not the dog's fault but its hard for me to like her).

Obviously its an emotional affair, which he denies. But am I wrong to still be so deeply hurt? I ask if he's sorry and he says that if he could do it again, he'd do it differently. But that's not saying "sorry".

Oh, and his aunt, with whom I was able to mend that bridge, died two days later.

I have chronic depression, bipolar 2, borderline personality disorder & ADHD. I have trouble keeping jobs because I either get into fights or just can't get there on time, no matter how hard I try. My doc & my husband talked me into applying for disability, yet my husband throws it in my face that I'm not working. All I want to do is get my meds straightened out - I don't have insurance and the med prices are ridiculous. I have every intention of going back to work.

Just one other thing - Yesterday I asked him what he worries about. He said "money". I asked the second thing. "Money". Third? that his family is healthy. Never once did he say he worried about me or our relationship. We're married 21 years, no kids. I asked what would make him happy. He said "for you to work a full time job and contribute to the house, have dinner on the table every night, have the house spotless every day, laundry done daily and for me to ask "how was your day" every night. I told him I'm not June Cleaver. So he asked me what I wanted. I said I wanted to not be lied to and I wanted to feel loved. His response? "I'm not Ward Cleaver". Is it me?????

PS-We had separated for 2 years about 9 years ago. He didn't tell me he was moving until a week before and moved a day before I started a new job. Then a few weeks later he came by my job all dressed up, fancy Italian suit and a diamond pinky ring. He told me he bought it for himself. Now he claims he "found" it. We ended up selling it anyway but I remember crying at work when he left. Yet, he was at the house every day. I'm just confused.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Confused, Depressed & 21 years wasted

You consulted a lawyer 3 years ago and then stopped the process. It seems to me it's time to consult that lawyer again or another one to get some advice on how to proceed to protect yourself both emotionally and financially.

Crazy Cat

Re: Confused, Depressed & 21 years wasted

Thanks for answering David. There is nothing I'd rather do than to start the divorce process up again, but I have unusual circumstances.

I used to do cat rescue. I am no longer doing it, but I have 14 cats. (and for the curious, no my house doesn't stink). I would never-ever dream of "getting rid of" or giving them up. Matter of fact, if it weren't for them I don't think I'd be alive right now.

That is the reason I can't just go get an apartment. My cats are good and they're clean but, as I'm sure your reaction to reading I have 14 cats, people think "stinky" & crazy cat lady. I can assure you, in my sheltering & rescue work I've seen too much. I'm basically jumping the gun to anyone who is going to tell me to "get rid of them". When I adopted them or took them in, I made a commitment that this was their forever home.

Also, we had over $300,000 in the bank that my husband (claims) he put into his dying business, which is still dying but he refuses to work for someone else but himself. I recently had $8000 cash from selling something that I was going to pay bills with. He took it little by little. Now I don't have anything.

Anyway, Am I looking at the past, as he says??? Or is it normal to still feel hurt like this all happened yesterday when no resolution has come of it? I told him that you can't run away from your past. His two part answer was, yes you can and you can forget it if you don't like it. Then he asked why I can't be more like him. (because I'd be a a-hole!!!, thats why)

Its just that the secretary still works there. I'm not angry with her for anything but betraying me. I'd talk to her every day on the phone, friendly chats. And to find out she had photos of my husband in her desk, she had at least 15 framed photos of one of OUR dogs on her desk. Not one pic of her dog or boyfriend. And then I look at our dog now and she isn't and will never be my dog. I wouldn't have picked her at all. But to find out that he went to the shelter with f-face and did all the paperwork - THEN asked me to see the dog, only to know he already adopted her. Its in my face every day.

And then to know that his promises of "I love yous" and "I'm sorry" and all were all lies. Plus all the other little & major lies to me and everyone else. I've come to the conclusion that he is a compulsive liar. He even lies about stupid little things.

You're right though. I need to get a plan.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Confused, Depressed & 21 years wasted

Actually, what I was suggesting is that you seek legal advice on determining your rights and protecting them. It seems to me that's paramount at the moment.

You may find that you're entitled to more than you think.


Account Closed
Re: Confused, Depressed & 21 years wasted

Hi CC,

First and foremost, welcome to psychlinks. :)

If I were in your shoes, I'd be tempted to do a little homework in the next couple of weeks. For instance, a few questions sprang to mind: Does your husband have a pension plan (maybe from previous employment?)? Does he have RRSPs in his name? In your name? What bank accounts are out there and what is the approximate amount of money in each? What is the house worth? What vehicles do you own? What are they worth? What's the business worth? Did you help your husband in any way in setting up the business? By the same token, try and find out what his liabilities are - depending on where you are, these could be considered liabilities of the mariage.

I don't know much about divorce laws but I have a few friends who've gone through divorce. These are typically the kinds of questions that any lawyer would ask on a first consultation.

I agree with Dr. Baxter, I would go see a lawyer asap, I wouldn't tell my husband about it just yet and I would start mapping out what is held commonly in that mariage...

I hope you find out what your rights are very soon CC. It may help you to put your mind at ease and to make any decisions from there...

Good luck :)
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