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:confused:Its funny to here someone say they are recovered when you know that its only a begining and recover doesn't always mean your fine, im not fine you I always still struggle with anorexia and bulimia I can't say that i don't eat and purge or even think about it alot, or skip meals or take large amount of diet pills so tell me what is recovered. Im still recovering right. just strollin in those midnight exercise dances and everyday and fumigating wieghts.. Im not recovered because I still think about it everyday and night:confused:


There are various levels, or stages, of recovery, TLC. A person is said to be in recovery when their state is no longer degenerating, but is either stabilized or is improving. It doesn't matter which stage of recovery you're in, the important part is that you keep moving forward.

Getting back to unhealthy habits is usually considered a relapse and those are usualy expected and dealt with as they come up. That too, is considered part of recovery, so long as you address each episode that you find yourself struggling with.
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