More threads by Jazzey


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Last night, I went ahead and did something stupid. By 4:30 this morning, I ended up calling emergency services and spent the night in the hospital. The whole time, wondering why exactly I was there.

To everyone here, I offer the same sound advice about getting rid of everything, calling crisis lines etc. And for me last night, I didn't listen to that advice. I just ran on immediate impulse and forged ahead before I could convince myself otherwise.

having said all of this, I'm grateful to be here tonight and I'm ok. I feel a little stupide for my mindset last night, but I can get over that because I'm still here.

From this side of the fence, when the images are still fresh - I wish I had gotten rid of everything. Then I could have distracted myself and not worry about them.

I hope this post makes sense.
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Resident Canuck
It makes sense Jazzey, no worries.

I can understand the confusion of the situation.

Sorry I do not have better words, but you are in my thoughts Jazzey. :kiss2:


Getting rid of everything won't necessarily take away the thoughts, but it means you have to work harder when that impulse hits. Those extra steps give your mind the time to slow down, for the impulse to fade.

It's not necessarily a set-back, J. It's a step you took during the process, albeit a pretty drastic one, and I've no doubt you will move forward because of it.

And I'm really glad you're alive today to tell us about it. Really, really glad.


Getting rid of everything won't necessarily take away the thoughts, but it means you have to work harder when that impulse hits. Those extra steps give your mind the time to slow down, for the impulse to fade.

It's not necessarily a set-back, J. It's a step you took during the process, albeit a pretty drastic one, and I've no doubt you will move forward because of it.

And I'm really glad you're alive today to tell us about it. Really, really glad.

I could never have said that better - Jazzey, you are in my thoughts love - thank you for sharing your intimate experience, I am sure it will be of help to others when they see they are not alone ...

Take care of you! :support:


Account Closed
And, from the bottom of my heart everyone - thank you. I keep re-reading this thread because it's a very welcome reminder of how I do matter.

Thank you, and I send you all my love :hug::hug::airkiss:

(ok - that sounds dramatic, but it is heartfelt) I sometimes forget I am in fact surrounded by people...
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