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I was just wondering, well ive been told i have Bipolar but i sence they are still not 100% sure, Ive also got Avoident, When im feeling REALLY awesome'lly happy i will come online and talk ( type ) to everyone online and get so excited and type loads and i'll want to buy stuff and go back to all my classes and have all these goals for the future, but my psych said id also be Talking ( not typing ) to everyone and not caring.. talking fast and not bothering what anyone thinks, I do want to sometimes.. but something inside me stops me.. like i want to swear sometimes, but if i do i will die! I think its something like that.. or part of the avoident, because inside im so happy i want to shout WOOHOOO, but this thing inside me wont let me out! but i just dont know if they have it right saying biploar, as i wont talk to anyone! I dont even think any of this makes sence! but if you know what i mean then thats good.. i cant explain good what im thinking! When i feel down which is most the time im really the opposite a differnt person almost. Im doing good right now though. I jsut dont think i'll ever truley know what is is i feel everything is conflicting with everything and my head is about to explode!
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