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Hey there well I have not been here in quite some time.

Things aren't very good. My doctor seems to think that he can fix all of my problems by constantly increasing my medication and switching it every 2 or 3 months so. well I went from cipralex to citalopram to Prozac and now i am on Effexor. He has increased the dose from 37.5 to now 225 in less than 2 months - every week I see him he increases the dosage. I have no idea if its the right thing or what but I am starting to wonder because nothing is changing. I am severely depressed and to some extent suicidal, my anorexia and bulimia is very present so in general life sucks.

2 weeks ago my uncle committed suicide so that also plays in my mood being even more depressed yet I am sort of sick of feeling like some lab rat to my doctor's need to prescribe medication.
So sorry hun about the loss of your uncle I hope the medication changes will help hun it is just finding the right combination it takes time It is good you have a doctor looking after you although it is hard right now hopefully soon the medication choices will work and you will start filling stronger. Hugs to you

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It takes time to see benefits from a new medication, Ashley, and there is logic based on "principles of best practice" in what your doctor is doing. My guess is he tried Cipralex, Prozac, and Celexa first but recognized that they weren't working quickly enough to moderate your depression and/or he may have felt you needed a dual action medication to help with anxiety.

Effexor is usually started at 37.5 mg - that's a starter dose only and in itself isn't enough to do much to combat anxiety or depression. Typically, it is increased in increments of either 37.5 mg or 75 mg up until the patient starts to show a therapeutic response or reaches 300 mg. The reason for this is to give the body and brain time to adapt to the medication while minimizing side effects. He's not using you as a guinea pig. He's following a rational recommended procedure.

I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. I'm sure that's not helping your mood at all.
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