More threads by David Baxter PhD

I find that it hinders me. I get blocked and can't seem to move forward.

But that's synonymous with pretty much everything in my life!

Speaking of not having to live in sub-human conditions to be rendered a true artist...I wonder if one "has to" be a bit loopy though (now, this is getting back to the original topic). I've been watching movies about artists and it sure seems to me that there aren't any healthy and balanced "great" artists out there.

I want to be an artist, living comfortably AND sane. Is that so much to ask? Haha...Funny how I said that I "want" to be an artist....Like, I don't feel like I AM one.

Partially because I DO care about money and I don't want to be obsessed with painting, but rather I want to be balanced. Another dichotomy?


In my own personal work, I do both - I like to please people at times, and at other times I like to go wild, break the barriers and do what I WANT.

Altho the stuff I've done that's been 'people-pleasing' wasn't in my opinion showing the extent of my true talent, it was generally a lot more popular than some of the other 'stuff' where I said, "to heck with the masses - I want to stretch and develop myself".

Those 'pieces' of art where I did my own thing, altho they were generally less popular, those who did 'notice' them gave a much better evaluation - and gave critiques that touched me far more deeply.

To get back to you, if people pleasing hinders you - then persue your own ideas. That seems to be a clear sign that you should follow your heart. When you want to say something with your painting, go for it, and say it!
Don't worry about pleasing others!
And that probably indicates that you're more of an artist than I am!!! (the fact that you can't people-please.)

And I asked my therapist the same question - is it possible for me to continue to persue my artistic endeavors and live a more normal life, and she's told me YES. So I'm trusting her on that, and continuing my art.
And I asked my therapist the same question - is it possible for me to continue to persue my artistic endeavors and live a more normal life, and she's told me YES. So I'm trusting her on that, and continuing my art.

Perfect :) -- I'll trust her too, then!

After all, we are who we are and we can be who we want to be :)
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