More threads by dont be crazy


I am no longer "artistic" in the way I use to be pre medication. It seems that now that my "emotions" are more controlled my artistic ability is restrained. It's frustrating and sad. I've spent a lot of time mourning this.
sorry to here that Meggylou this is something i am struggling with. i am afriad meds could steal away my special ability. i ask my doctor he said he didnt know he said it could stiffile it or help me think more clearly. i cant imagian not being able to create like taking away the diabetics insulin. it so important to me


I used to draw and paint a LOT, I would do it all the time, it was so beautiful to do.
Now all I do is scrapbooking...and that to me is more crafty not artistic...not to say it's not pretty. I do find it a fun past time but not at the cathartic level that my drawing used to be.
I think that you should just keep at it regardless, it may change and not be the same or you may find that you aren't negatively affected by medication. Everyone is so unique when it comes to treatment.
Hey Chris ,
Your sculptures are very good , How tall are they ?
Thank you so much for sharing them , What Meggylou says is right , our work evolves as our perceptions evolve , which is exciting , the essential you will not change , you may find that your work will be even more powerful , certainly if I had not taken meds I would never had the energy to do any work at all , my essential perceptions did not change , however my life was not dominated by depression ; with therapy and meds I could channel my thoughts and energy into producing work .
You have nothing to lose if you give the meds a chance ........
Ask your Dr. exactly how they function ; some meds take a little while to kick in .
take care white page


Hello DBC,

I loved those pictures you posted! You should be very proud of them. Have you ever tried doing a dragon or gargoyle? That would be a challenge and a half.
thanks guys these two are just small no more than a foot. i am trying to get into doing larger things. and yes dragons and gargoyles are classic.

i am trying to learn all i can about meds. but the codundrum is the more i learn the more parinoid i get about them. i once heard or read or something that there is no parinoia only total awareness.

i see today is your birthday Sparrow congrats another under your belt.
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