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I don't know why but my daughter has started being aggressive again, in my face cursing. Not only with me but her father. She is frustrated with her position in life i guess. I tell her she is make bad choices again but she doesn't want to hear it. I don't know....

I now have my twin here and this is not good for her to hear my daughter go off like this. It upsets her to see me treated this way. I am afraid she will get into in with my daughter. Why now of all times does she have to do this. She is using weed again she says it calms her but every time she uses it she get belligerent. I talked to her calmly quietly as taught. No yelling Finally i just had it and told her i could not deal with this and told her to use crisis line for help. I really just want to get into my vehicle and just keep on driving. She finally did what I asked and now is journaling How do i deal with her when she gets violent. I really don't want this escalating. i want this week with my twin to be peaceful.

I can't see my doing this much longer I am so afraid i will go back to yelling at her if she doesn't stop or she might trigger something in me like before

i really don't want to go back there again. mary


O Goodness Mary, I am sorry to hear that but I am proud of you for staying calm and collected. It must be very hard for you cause it hurts being disrespected and trying to keep the peace while loving someone so much that you cannot bare to see them deteriorate ...

You did the best thing - I hope she can focus on what they told her and she can find help in other places so that she can use you more as a support than an outlet! I think that you keeping calm made her more aware that her behaviour is wrong and makes her feel guilty ...

I hope that she listens and gets the help she needs!

Thinking of you.
I hope so to I will take her to her addiction councillor today. I hope she will be able to clear things up for my daughter. I am happy i stayed calm one thing i did learn yelling only causes more harm. Speaking quietly she knows i am not mad at her. I just get upset with myself because i want to help but i can't. I get too emotional fearful inside that is why i told her to phone crisis and she listen to them. Today another busy day pray she stays well mary
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