More threads by gooblax


Resident Canuck
:hithere: Gooblax. I am sorry I was not here to support you while you were upset today.

You are always in my good thoughts. I always wish for you peace.

I hope you use those numbers when you need them. The folks on those lines are quite nice and understanding.

There are always ways to ease the pain. Even if you come online here to laugh in the Just Fun area or pass around your hugs like you do :)

We are all here for you. We all support you and wish for you the best.

I hope you do get to see your therapist soon.

If you maybe talk to your therapist, maybe could you see your therapist more often if you require that?

Sweet Goooblax. Your therapist is there to help you out. It is so important you tell your therapist how you feel, your good times your bad rough patches, everything.

I learned this. They don't judge. They are there to help us and teach us ways to cope.

You are in my thoughts Gooblax. :friends: :hug: :support:
Thanks soo much, everyone. :grouphug3:
I got through today, all good. (Except the bus driver probably thought I was a total freak, but whatever.) Still a bit worried about it, but I'm seeing my therapist on Wed and have already sent him an email to let him know about the thoughts.
I love you guys. :heart: Thanks again for all the support and understanding. *hugs*


... I'm seeing my therapist on Wed and have already sent him an email to let him know about the thoughts.
I love you guys. Thanks again for all the support and understanding. *hugs*
Three thoughts:

1. Goodygumdrops! :dance: :yahoo:

2. You're welcome. And remstember: us smart, sensible people also give extremely cheap rates, so call anytime you like :)

3. Luvshya back :heart: :flowers:

4. Becaue I was tempted into too much talking (on other threads) last night, I'm having to go to bed tonight very early tonight - I mean "now*. So please know that I won't be able to respond for the rest of tonight but will catch up tomorrow night.



Account Closed
Now that brought a smile to my face Gooblax - that's a pretty good way to start my day today! :D :hug:
gooblax - i am so proud of you for telling your therapist via email. that is HUGE! you did really, really well. i am so pleased. proud of you kiddo! it's a step forward :yahoo:
Gooblax ,

Yey!!! that's is HUGE , congratlations for having told your therapist , so glad you are seeing him/her the day after tommorrow .........

Well done Gooblax . sending great big hugs . :)
Thanks everyone. *hugs* I had to flip a coin to decide whether or not to write the email, then sat staring at it for ages before sending it... but at least my T knows. Now there's just the other hard part - continuing to talk to him about things.


Resident Canuck
I am so proud of you Gooblax that you emailed your therapist! So so proud of you!

You made a huge step by emailing your therapist about your feelings.

I have a smile this big :D after reading your post here. I can not think of words enough to say how proud I am of you.

It is such an inportant step. I am so happy you emailed your therapist.

:friends: :support: :hug: :flowers:
Hi Gooblax ,

Getting the words out face to face is at times very difficult , at times it seems unsurmountable . So dear Gooblax , why don't you print out what you wrote here about your feelings , and take this along with you . Your therapist will understand when you say that it is easier to write about your thoughts, rather than talking about them . more big hugs
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