I am glad that you were able to leave, but I am so sorry to hear that you can't see your kids. That must be so hard for you. Sounds like you have good reason not to look forward to Christmas.
I have to say that I also don't like Christmas very much. As a matter of fact, I can't wait until January when this whole holiday season is behind us.
I am sorry your children are being kept from you. Christmas is not a good time for alot of people We are to celebrate be happy but its hard when there is only sadness inside. Is there no way you can get court order to see your children and get protection for you and them. I too will be glad when all this is over take care.
As others have expressed already, I'm happy that you were able to leave an abusive situation but saddened by the fact that, in the process, you can't see your children.
I used to be a huge fan of Christmas...Lately, it's a struggle. But, there are so many wonderful 'feelings' that do come from Christmas - feeling gratitude for our friends, for our families. And by 'families' - I don't necessarily mean the biological one...In my life, I have a family around me that I've quite literally 'hand picked'. I love them all dearly and would do anything for them, as I know they would do for me.
So, back to Christmas. We don't have to like Christmas - for this year though, I'm choosing to take the parts that I love about it (cooking and baking for those I love), spending time with them and enjoying seeing the Christmas lights / Christmas trees, the smell of a real Christmas tree, essentially - any levity that I can possibly find in this season. And, I'm leaving behind the bad things that I associate with Christmas (which I won't enumerate ).
Again, welcome to PL and I hope that you'll lean on us here when you need us. :support:
Welcome aboard! Like others said, I'm glad to hear you got out of a bad situation, but am sad to hear you can't see your kids. I hope that will change for you soon...
I'm not a fan of Christmas either, it's not my holiday. But I must admit I rather like some of the goodies available (mince pies! egg nog! :2thumbs and the lights are pretty. I dislike many other aspects of it, especially the crowded malls, ghastly Christmas music (why so many jazz-type Christmas songs this year? ugh!) and frenetic over-commercializtion of the whole thing. Must admit I feel sorry for those whose holiday it really is, they must be appalled by what it has become.
I to am glad to hear that you left an abusive relationship, but also sorry to hear your children are being kept from you.:hug:
I am not a christmas person at all. I think its lost its true meaning and I know from my own experiences and those I help in my work that it is a time of sadness and struggle.
I join others here Mary Joyce in sharing your sadness at not having your children with you. It does indeed make this time of year all the sadder. I'd also like to know if you can see any way of taking legal steps at having full or even part time access to them.
I haven't liked Xmas for many years. For me, it's mainly that I don't have my own children. For some reason, nothing else can make it right for me but it is what it is. I do still spend time with my sister and brother and their families.
I have thought to create a virtual "dream and grattitude" Xmas table here on these forums similar to what I started last year - a thread to which people who find Xmas sad or lonely can share their dreams for the coming year and reflect on what large or small things they have to be grateful for at this time. We can also bring whatever food and drink we enjoy to "share" with others. We could hold such a table starting Xmas Day (whoever starts that day first - Australia gets in early) and concluding later in the day.
I know that you like so many of us have very good reason to feel sad at this time. I'd just like to help pick us up on the day.
Let me know if you're interested.
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