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Ok, I'll admit it, I've never shopped on fact I never even looked at it until last week when a bicycle part I need appeared to be available from a vendor who sells on Ebay.

The part is fairly difficult to find, and his (advertised) price is acceptable, so I'm willing to give it a try.

I've created a PayPal account, which seems to be the most secure way to protect my finance information.

I even telephoned the vendow who sounds like an enterprising guy in Indiana whose online business is bicycle parts and baby strollers!

So, what do I do next?

Do I pay the price he has advertised, or do I offer something less, as I understand Ebay involves bidding.

His advertised price offers paid shipping and the price is less than $20, so there's no big financial risk invloved.

What do I need to know about making a purchase on Ebay that savvy Ebay users already know?



Well, I'm not savvy, but I've been on eBay once or twice.

I believe that sellers can either "auction" their item and you'll see that the bidding starts at XXX dollars and bidding ends at a certain time. Other sellers ask a set price because many small businesses are using eBay to sell their goods, of which they have more than one.

I'd say if you want the item, and are comfortable with the price, then I think you can just click on "purchase" (or something similar) and complete the transaction.

Most sellers are also rated or verified for your protection, so most transactions are safe, especially if the seller has established history with eBay.

Daniel E.
Do I pay the price he has advertised, or do I offer something less, as I understand Ebay involves bidding.
As Turtle says, there are two different types of ways to buy from eBay: Buy-It-Now and traditional auction bidding. Sometimes the seller will offer both options, but many if not most items are listed to allow only bidding or Buy-It-Now, not both.

That's it. You don't have to contact the seller at all. I only do so when I have a question about the product or shipping.

You can also search completed auctions (by doing an advanced search and selecting the option to search completed listings) to get a better sense of a fair price and what may be offered again in the future. Similarly, a Google site search of eBay will show some previously held or ongoing auctions.


Interestingly my mom just looked for something on eBay and it was significantly more expensive than at the camera shop where she was going to originally purchase it.

"Caveat emptor" always applies...
We've been on ebay since July 2001, mostly buying stuff. I don't bid much on anything anymore because I lose most of the time. I like the buy it now feature and some sellers let you make an offer on an item. It's a good idea to check a seller's feedback.

I've only had one issue with a seller and it was resolved very easily through Paypal. I like ebay. Maybe a little too much? :eek:

Daniel E.
Oh, that reminds me, you can get Microsoft Bing Cashback if using Buy-It-Now. Currently, it's at 8 percent for eBay, which I think is higher than normal because of the holidays, and one can even get 15% right now if using the right search terms. (As always, Bing Cashback requires initially going through a Bing link.)
:rofl: Well, of course. I was buying my clothesline and my snuggie blanket thing. You know, stuff you can't live without.
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