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There have been occasions years ago when I have gone and sat outside in the rain and thunder, its so refreshing, :) well my neighbours had the people in again and for four hours Ive had to put up with them slamming the front door every 10 mins, :mad: and I mean really slamming it, I felt like going down and saying something but it would only cause trouble, all that slamming has made me jumpy , they have gone now so hopefully a peaceful evening for me :)

Just wanted to add my bit. I rent out rooms in my house to people and at the moment they are all 17!!! Needless to say, I get the slamming doors part, and the banging around and it gets me really jumpy and anxious too. I also feel like tearing them a new one, when it gets really bad, but your right - it'd probably do more harm than good.

Hang in there, hopefully, (unless they are getting paid by the hour ;)) they will have finished their work and will be outta there.



Thou shalt slam one door in my home one time. That shall be thy limit. Should thee slam said door, or any other door in my home again, thou shall be seeking thy head 'neath the roses in the garden. :walk:
Thanks Phoenix and Thatlady, yesterday was quiet and I feel better for it, hoping they dont come today, so far nothing, I know in flats you have to make noise to live, some noise is necessary but some like slamming doors isnt, sometimes I wish it would fall of its hinges that might make them think :D Sometimes noise doesnt bother me, but when my anxiety level is high like this week, it does, i just need to rest and be peaceful.
I have managed to get some support till the end of October, as well as getting the shopping I will be working with the lady to achieve greater independence, shes not a therapist but has experince of some therapies herself, so will be working with me,, I am very pleased about this :)



That sounds really great, TTE. Having someone to help will give you a few months to work on the coping mechanisms you need to be able to start venturing out on your own. I'm very pleased for you! :)


that sounds great TTE.. I'm delighted for you!! let us know how you fare out with her... sure means a lot of pressure off your mind for a while... phew!!! :) :)

great news!!!
Thanks! I will keep you posted, shes a lovely lady, very positive person, we got on on our first meeting so feel happy working with her.

Nsa, your so right about about taking the pressure of me, when they told me I just breathed a big sigh of relief :)


through-these-eyes said:
I have managed to get some support till the end of October, as well as getting the shopping I will be working with the lady to achieve greater independence, shes not a therapist but has experince of some therapies herself, so will be working with me,, I am very pleased about this :) TTE

TTE, I am so happy for you that you got help until the end of October and I am sure that this now takes some of the pressure off.

Soooooo Happy :D :D :D
Thanks Nancy, sorry I took so long to reply not been around much,, I found out last week my blood pressure is quite high, due to all the worry I have had, im trying to calm down, don't want to have to go on any tablets for it. My new helper is really nice, we get along great:)


Sorry to hear about the blood pressure being high but hopefully with some relaxing techniques and calming exercises it will come down in time.

I am glad that you and your new helper get along so must be a huge relief and one less stress.

Take care
It is a huge relief, I have to do some exercises with her, like packing the shopping and going to the checkout on my own, shes a couple of checkouts down, stuff like that, just to get me more independent but thats okay shes nice to work with, and I want to work on these things:)
Thanks braveheart! One thing I dont like is packing shopping with a big queue behind you and people are rushing you, i just want to take my time, if one thing gets me panicked its that!


Thanks braveheart! One thing I dont like is packing shopping with a big queue behind you and people are rushing you, i just want to take my time, if one thing gets me panicked its that!

TTE, this is a common feeling. It's not one that is felt only by those who have social anxieties, or suffer from agoraphobia. Many people feel rushed when there are others behind them in a queue, or cars behind them on the road that appear to want to go faster than they are going.

The thing you've got to try to remember is that the person behind you is the one with the problem. You are not. If that person is in that much of a hurry, they should have left their home, or office, earlier ... or they should be shopping at a more convenient time for them. You have a right to do things at your own pace, and are not responsible for them not planning properly. :)


I agree with TL

I am the same in the situation with cars going to fast behind me. I tend to have a bit of road rage and just start yelling for them to pass me and get away from me. I like to have the open road and not feel stuck.

Don't know if it relates but sort of I guess.


It is definitely related, Nancy. You feel angry because you feel you're being rushed. Others may feel anxious, or guilty, or inadequate. If you can just remember that YOU don't have a problem, the person who's in such a blinking hurry has a problem, it helps to dissipate any and all of those feelings. Each of us has just as much right to be in this world, doing our thing, as any other. If the person behind me didn't plan well, that is NOT my problem, and I refuse to let it upset me in any way.:walk:
I know your right thatlady, its just sometimes when your feeling panicked anyway it makes it worse!!!

Oh it does relate Nancy:) I would love to have the shop to myself, no queues , no being bashed in the bum with trolleys:) just straight round the shop, out the checkout and home;) I understand exactly what you mean!!


TL I never thought of looking at it that way. I can do anything I want at my own pace and it is their problem not mine if they are in that much of a hurry because they didn't leave early enough.

Good way to think about it. I will remember that the next time I am in the car. :)
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