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I was always told that no man would ever want me because I can't keep my house clean. The man in my life says to me am I visiting you or your house. He is right he is visiting me.
We had a rough patch a few months ago because he didn't have enough time in day for what he had to do in his own life so he couldn't handle my problems. Also now he is in extreme pain 24/7 and he is starting to show more of his affection towards me. You see he knows everything about me my suicide thoughts cutting everything. What is amazing is that even because of the rough we had he is still in my life. You see his ex wife died about 6 years ago of suicide with medication and he knows that is how I always wanted to die if things were to hard for me to handle.

Now he know I don't want to be like his ex wife and that I am getting the help I was and am asking for and she didn't.
After our talk yesterday I realize I would never commit suicide because I know he loves me. He said I was somebody special yesterday the first time he said he cared in words instead of actions. He accepts me for who I am and is there for me when he is not bedridden. He also know if he was bedridden or in a wheelchair for life I would be there for him. Because I love him with all my heart and soul.

I can be me all of me no hiding anything from him because he accepts me and understands me that I will have bad days but that is still part of me.

So Jazzey there is somebody out there for you you just wait he will come sooner or later.

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