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since I've been in therapy with my new therapist feelings have been coming up out of the blue. Giving me a glimpse of something that made sense. I am in a way not very connected about certain situations in my past. I can tell a story per se but I cannot tell how I felt in the situation. I don't remember the feelings.Maybe because I am a little blocked presently as well. My question is whether those feelings are gone forever or are they buried?
I hope I make sense


Re: feelings coming up in therapy

Hi boi,

I think in time those feelings will likely come back gradually, and at that time you might want to explore them with your therapist. I know for me personally I was very clinical in my demeanour in therapy for years - I wanted to be as far away from the feelings as I could. I think when you talk, and as you say, start making connections, it will make sense. What helped for me was to try and imagine how I would have felt at the time, even if I could determine for sure what I really felt.

Your therapist can help you...definitely mention these feeelings to him or her and exploring how to get in touch with them will be a part of the journey for you.

Good luck!


Re: feelings coming up in therapy

thanks Turtle.
That's good to know. I was hoping that they are not gone forever. By acknowledging them I think that I can really understand certain things in my past. Things are gradually coming up and as you said I am making connections. I like that. I feel like I am progressing somewhat
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