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Is it normal to feel different emotions between sessions in therapy. things that you would have probably never thought of, start coming up. the feeling associated with an event that happened in the past starts to emerge. I think this is what is starting to happen. I am thinking about an event that happened in the past and I have a feeling about it (not sure what). I never felt anything before, it was like I never had a feeling or it was blocked. Is this what is supposed to happen?


Re: feelings coming up between sessions

Absolutely, its perfectly normal and natural. When these feelings and thoughts arise you can have the opportunity to discuss and examine them with your therapist. I for one am very unemotional in session, I never cry or become emotional in front of anyone ( I was bought up in a way that it was unsafe) even when discussing painful stuff. My emotional reactions, memories and connections happen out of session and then I can go back an talk about it with my therapist.


Re: feelings coming up between sessions

thanks phoenix,
I am like that too. I never cry in front of people or even on my own. maybe therapy will open this up.
and these feelings can be discussed in therapy next time. that's maybe how it will work for me too. I get very uncomfortable in session when feelings are discussed.
Re: feelings coming up between sessions

It took me along time to even allow myself to cry i too was having difficulties between therapies because i was guarding myself in therapy. I am now able to let my guard down more and experience the emotions during the therapy I hope in time that you too will be able to do this because in doing so you will have the therapist there to help you through the emotion
while you are there and then when you leave you will be more stable in between sessions.
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