I've been severly depressed for about two years....I'm been cutting myself for about one year....I'm been semi suicidal for I dont' know a couple of months...I think today though I took it to a new level...I wrote my suicide letter...I wrote about ten of them to different people in my mom, stepdad, sister, best friend ect...anyway I also planned my funeral...what I want to be burried in...what songs I want, who I want to read different stuff....I put it all in one yellow notebook...I don't have a date set right now at least and b/c I know my personality it would probably just happen one night that I just got to depressed to go on...anyway I'm not sure what the point of this post was...I just needed to type some of this out to maybe (hopefully) get myself thinking more clearly...right now I'm just scared of sucks-you know- to be afraid of yourself...if you're scared of another person or thing you can avoid those things/people...I can't avoid myself...anyway sorry to have wasted your time....but thanks for reading this anyway...