No, not at all, Fiver.
There are times when forgiveness is beneficial.
There are times when it is probably impossible and probably neither necessary or helpful.
In a case such as you describe, I wouldn't even try to encourage forgiveness. Why and how would someone even begin to forgive something like that or a person who had done something like that? In such cases, I think the goal is more one of coping and acknowledging the victimization instead of searching for responsibility for that victimization.
Ditto Fiver..Better yet, how do you forgive yourself (not intended for you) but certainly a question that creeps up on me daily because of my own circumstances...I don't know....
Ditto Fiver..Better yet, how do you forgive yourself (not intended for you) but certainly a question that creeps up on me daily because of my own circumstances...I don't know....
Forgiveness to me is not at all about the other person. To me it's about being able to truly let go of the hold the other person has on my life. So maybe the word forgiveness isn't really even accurate. I think it's more a letting go or a cleansing of this person out of my life.
I think there are two basic ways to be, either you are fearful or loving. When loving, there is nothing to forgive. When fearful, forgiveness is sought. I have not yet evolved to full enlightenment where life is lived fearlessly and unconditionally. I get caught up with human ignorance and experience resentments that seek forgiveness. When that happens, and after I had enough of it, I get reminded of a powerful method to overcome it. I pray for the person, place, thing or situation which I resent. It may sound like a crazy thing to do, but it works. My prayer may go like this: ?I pray that ?. will become enlightened, see the truth, and become fearless to love unconditionally.? My sincere prayer also reminds me of the deeper truths, and then suddenly, I realize there is nothing to forgive.
Personally I've found thinking of the world as good or bad can create unrealistic expectations and similarly with people. I think people do things with good and bad intentions but I try not to think of people of people as strictly good or bad because I find that feeds my anger and breeds self doubt. Undoubtedly there are combative people who seek out those who are suffering to victamise them for a power trip because of their own insecuraties that in my opinion is their weakness.
Sometimes we can't avoid those types of people because we have to interact with them at work, in our family, where we live lika neighbor or throughout the course of the day.
I view these combative people as insecure and the various forms of aggression as acts of desperation from this perspective I find compassion and forgiveness. It doesn't erase the harm or cause them to change but it helps prevent the internal conflict and doubt that these actions can cause which can also prevent anger from becoming vindictive towards them. That also can help prevent the anger from causing guilt and that cycle which can cause anger to snowball which through stress can cause us to be more vulnerable to these types of actions.
If the person knows what they did or not, if they are willing to apologize or not, if they demonstrate any compassion or not, these things have helped me to forgive, not to forget or condone anything but to be at peace with myself and my own feelings regardless of the actions of others.