More threads by amastie


Ok. Thank Steve.

BTW, I have sometimes called you Tsow and sometimes Steve (because it sounds more friendly somehow). Do you have a preference?


Re: TSOW or Steve?


Thanks for asking!

When I first joined Psychlinks, I was involved with Tourette Syndrome support in Ottawa, so I adopted the username TSOW, but signed using my name...Steve.

To avoid confusion over time, I never made any changes, but I do sign all posts using my name, and agree with you, using a real name sounds more friendly, if a member chooses to use a real name.

Otherwise, I don't mind at all.



Resident Canuck
Re: TSOW or Steve?

I agree with you Steve.

I have considered putting my first name in my signature too, but I am not sure if I am totally comfortable with it as of yet. I guess a first name isn't any less safe that using a nickname? I am not sure interms of internet use.


Re: TSOW or Steve?

Thanks Steve :)

While I do feel it's more friendly using a name, funnily enough I've thought of my "name" as being amastie when I come here :thinking:

I think, like you, NN, I prefer nicknames online in general only because I have *big* issues about being *seen* in general (in *life*) - even though I know that, if someone knew me in person they could quickly recognize me simply because I'm so open.

(Had to edit my post - again - after posting it. The "lol" character reminded me of being laughed at precisely at a painful time when being *seen* was a large part of what hurt me.)

Oh, well..


Account Closed
Re: TSOW or Steve?

Nicknames are like tatoos for me. I pick one that fits and represent qualities that I think are important to me.


Re: TSOW or Steve?

have considered putting my first name in my signature too, but I am not sure if I am totally comfortable with it as of yet

Another option is to adopt a "real name" that may not necessarily be your given name, but a nickname which happens to be a "real name".


Resident Canuck
Re: TSOW or Steve?

NN Patti :vroom:?

:teehee: Nope :p Don't tell anyone, but it is Tami Sparrow :lol:

That's a good idea Steve. Or I can just spell my name differently. There are various different spellings to my name.


By using only one's first name there's little chance you can be identified unless their first name happens to be truly unique.

The key to internet anonymity is to disclose virtually no personal information or references that could link you to who you are.

That includes references to your home City, employer name, doctor name, fpersonal references and so on, in public online venues


Account Closed
When I follow that link, here's what I read:

Definition of Amastia

Amastia: A rare condition wherein the normal growth of the breast or nipple does not occur.

Unilateral amastia (just on one side) is often associated with absence of the pectoral muscles. Bilateral amastia (with absence of both breasts) is associated in 40% of cases with multiple congenital anomalies (birth defects) involving other parts of the body as well.

The condition is thought to be described in the Bible "We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts" (Song of Solomon VIII:8).

Amastia is distinguished from amazia wherein the breast tissue is absent, but the nipple is present. Amazia typically is a result of radiation or surgery.
(with the second link - )


amastie, what does your forum name mean? i've been wondering that for a while.
Heavens! Having read the medical meaning of a word so similar I must remember in future to look up the meaning of a word when I make one up. All my pseudonyms used online are made up by me, not by their meaning - they never have one that I'm aware of - but by the sound, typically using vowels a lot. As I have said in another thread, I love the sound of the French language and I think that the use of vowels has a lot to do with that - unlike the clipped consonant sounds used, for example, in German.

I enjoy language, the sound and flow of it. Even like the breakup of it grammatically. Find rhetoric interesting, also Philosophy of Language, Logic, Maths or Music (all seem so much to be related). Like sign language though I can't speak it. Would like to be able to read, and compose music because it is to me another form of language.

But if I had known that my totally made-up name would have such a close affinity to that medical word, I would have made up another one! :eek:mg:

Want today to post just a couple of times before heading off and I too easily get stuck on the computer :bonk:

(Must add that I'll definitely pop in tomorrow to wish all a Happy New Year. Think I'm first off the rank for that one. It's now just under 3 hours to go and I'm spending it *very* quietly. Hope you all enjoy the evening when it arrives :) )

Take care
Last edited:


Back quickly:

I have also meant to ask you, David, about the way that you are addressed in these forums. I see that some people refer to your title and call you Dr Baxter. I alway have called you David (in the spirit of friendliness).

Do you have a feeling one way or the other about how we refer to you?
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