More threads by amastie

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Back quickly:

I have also meant to ask you, David, about the way that you are addressed in these forums. I see that some people refer to your title and call you Dr Baxter. I alway have called you David (in the spirit of friendliness).

Do you have a feeling one way or the other about how we refer to you?

None at all. Whatever you choose is fine with me. :)
amastie,, i always thought your name was namaste because it sounds the same!!

I dont like using my real name on public forums. If I get to know people away from the forum or via email or PM then thats fine but in forums I use a variety of screen names.

Daniel E.
Yes, well, it's an independent label, but it's strong in it's fan base of people who need something to play for their pets while they are away on errands :D


None at all. Whatever you choose is fine with me. :)
Fine :)

amastie added 9 Minutes and 33 Seconds later...

amastie,, i always thought your name was namaste because it sounds the same!!

or amnesty... :)

Yes, I've likened it to amnesty. From : a forgetting or overlooking of any past offense - which would be appropriate. But I must say that, given my spiritual beliefs, namaste would also be welcome :)
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Yes, well, it's an independent label, but it's strong in it's fan base of people who need something to play for their pets while they are away on errands
Gee, that makes sense. Hungry pitbulls come to mind.

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