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MVP, Forum Supporter
It sounds like the cousin crossed a boundary he should not have crossed. I hope by you snapping at him - good for you by the way - he realizes that he crossed the line. We all have limits and we all have a right to our feelings. I agree with everyone else - that was not humour that was cruelty! R


So, I mentioned this to my therapist yesterday and got a big thumbs up for speaking up and snapping at the cousin. I am supposed to be working on being more assertive and standing up for myself, ugh. It is just so hard, I would rather be hurt myself that ever hurt anyone's feelings.

I am kind of feeling down today as I am starting what will probably be my last attempt to do the IUI this month and I am not feeling very hopeful. Well, no point in being negative right? It may work out this time:crossfingers:

Anyway thanks everyone for always being so kind and supportive.
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