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The FAA proposes to install 1,000 full body scan machines in airports around the U.S. by the end of 2011.

Will this affect your plans for air travel? Do these machines make you feel more or less comfortable about flying?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
We're supposed to get them in Canada too.

I don't fly a lot any more anyway but I may just visit the Ottawa airport periodically and ask them for a full body checkup and an oil change.


I'm not bothered by the full body scan, but I'm bothered by the amount of money poured into airport "security" to make it look like air travel is much safer. It's become a big pain in the butt to travel to the States and I'm not convinced air travel is any safer than it was pre 9/11. Having worked for an airline for five years, it's actually quite incredulous to know what really happens behind the smoke screen.
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