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I got annoyed the other day and I have decided to go off my medication for a few days to see what happens. I am not feeling better, kinda down and I am fed up. I want to see if the meds are doing this to me. No, my doctor did not suggest this, it is my own doing. I am only on 1 mg of risperidone and have now been off it for 4 days. No changes yet. I was going to go back on it but now I dont know if I should. Is it bad to just stop medication. Maybe I should not have. I am just so fed up with feeling down.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
First, yes, it is bad to just stop this kind of medication.

Second, I urge you to discuss this with your doctor as soon as possible. There was a reason that medication was prescribed.


maybe I need an antidepressant but I really am avoiding taking one. I dont want to take more medication. I hardly want to take the one prescribed to me. I need to remember why I am taking it in the first place, does that make sense?


Account Closed
Sometimes the body gets use to the amount of medication your taking. Sounds to me that it needs an adjustment but not to be stopped. Especially unsupervised.


maybe Ladylore. maybe its my old ways coming through. On how I should stop seeing my dr and go back to self medicating. I am just really fed up and Im having bad days, and my therapy doesnt seem to be helping. Maybe I need some hypomania in my life in order to feel very passionate again.


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maybe Ladylore. maybe its my old ways coming through. On how I should stop seeing my dr and go back to self medicating. I am just really fed up and Im having bad days, and my therapy doesnt seem to be helping. Maybe I need some hypomania in my life in order to feel very passionate again.

Everyone has bad days Boi. Getting better doesn't mean that you won't have a bad day or a bad few days. Stuff happens and it's itself can be hard at times. What the medications does is make it so the bad days don't become completely dark and that that your moods will be more even, but you still have the full range of emotions.

Clear as mud? :)


thanks ladylore,
maybe Im expecting too much, maybe not. I know Ill have bad days but I feel down and pessimistic. maybe I need to go on an antidepressant.


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What is going on in your life right now? Is there a reason for your feelings? I also no that you have dealt with addictions. Since I have to I also know that when things get emotionally tough I want to straight to the bottle or find medication that will fix it.

I do take a low dose of prozac that has worked wonders but I still need to stay on top of the recovery game.

Sometimes I need to take a look at how I am viewing things. If nothing is going on that I can change, or if its my hormones acting up then sometimes a good reframe helps. Bad moods also do pass.

I don't mean to lecture you but I did have a few thought rolling around in my head.


I say always stick with your medication unless your doctor says it's fine to get off it. Unless your doctor is a baboon, of course; then I'd advise you not to trust anything he says.

Remember that jumping off your meds can be dangerous, especially if your body's already gotten used to the medications.

And ladylore's right; just because you're on prescription medicine doesn't mean you'll feel good all the time.


What is going on in your life right now? Is there a reason for your feelings? I also no that you have dealt with addictions. Since I have to I also know that when things get emotionally tough I want to straight to the bottle or find medication that will fix it.

I do take a low dose of prozac that has worked wonders but I still need to stay on top of the recovery game.

Sometimes I need to take a look at how I am viewing things. If nothing is going on that I can change, or if its my hormones acting up then sometimes a good reframe helps. Bad moods also do pass.

I don't mean to lecture you but I did have a few thought rolling around in my head.

thanks for your feedback and I did not take this as a lecture. I guess I am under stress so maybe thats it and I too think of drugs immediately and how that will fix it all. I feel like I find things that I worry about. If there is nothing to worry about I get anxious. I find stuff to get anxious about. Ill go back on my meds.

I say always stick with your medication unless your doctor says it's fine to get off it. Unless your doctor is a baboon, of course; then I'd advise you not to trust anything he says.

Remember that jumping off your meds can be dangerous, especially if your body's already gotten used to the medications.

And ladylore's right; just because you're on prescription medicine doesn't mean you'll feel good all the time.

thanks noughts
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