More threads by Bill Gonidis

Hi my name is bill and i have panic attacks(social anxiety) with a hint of agoraphobia,sounds like a has controlled my life long anough,i am looking to do something about it ,and start living my life
Never seeked professional help,but it can"t hurt to talk to someone

---------- Post Merged at 12:48 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:47 PM ----------

Just trying to get familiar with the site.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Good for you Bill!

Welcome and we hope you will find helpful info here or support when you need it. :)


Hello Bill! Welcome to Psychlinks.

Have a look around, and let us know if we can help.

Never seeked professional help,but it can"t hurt to talk to someone

Can't hurt and could actually help. Your doctor has treatment options that have proven to be very effective for most people. These are treatable disorders, but do need professional intervention.

Your family doctor should be your first resource, who may offer treatment, or you may receive a referral to a specialist.

You have taken the first step to speak about your concerns here.....

I would urge you to take the next step and speak to your doctor.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome Bill! :) I'm going to jump on the speak to your doctor bandwagon. Congratulations on taking steps forward to seek help!


Hi Bill! It's great to hear that you want to get better. Realizing that you can reclaim control of your life and that you want to get better can be a hard thing to come to. Some people go their whole lives denying themselves the process and care they need, and you're taking the steps to live your own life. That's great!

Steve is right - your doctor is the first step. Don't worry about bothering him or her. You should be having dialogues with your doctor about what is best for you, so bring it to their attention that you're looking for a solution.


Welcome Bill. I agree also, you have nothing to lose by speaking to your doctor and seeing what the options for you. Please don't suffer in silence. Wishing you all the best.
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