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Going to see school counselor for "tangible" misanthropic (dissocial?) behaviors...

I wonder if this goes here...

By tangible, I mean that I only avoid and abhor people when they're... well, "tangible." When I can hear them. When I can see them. When they're around me. I don't have issues with forums, multiplayer video games, or even watching vlogs. But otherwise... I'd rather "get the heck away from" people, who I reflexively see them as "disgusting, stupid, dirty" creatures. Though this has exceptions. Example: seeing a movie on its premiere night. This is one of the rare instances when I actually enjoy company (we're all rooting for the same thing, and it's good to have support...). I also don't mind if being with a human is pivotal to something, like interviewing someone, on seeing a therapist, etc. Otherwise, I'd really rather than i not be around anyone... It's as if this fear and distrust (therefore hate) has become natural instinct for me. Ha, thanks mom, thanks dad. I really have to owe it to ya.

Ranting and elaboration on my behavioral issues aside, I've decided to go see my school counselor. The appointment, I'm not sure when, we (my mother) don't have a schedulte yet. It's about time, too. I guess I understand that she wants to know what's going on, but crimaney she knows she'll know once we start the actual session. Ugh... She's almost like my father... Heh. Wouldn't it be great if I didn't have this problem? I'd be able to tell her then. Wait, no, what I'd need to tell her wouldn't even exist.

I've decided to post this without knowing yet the appointment time... Because I'm afraid of my internet connection. It disconnects at the most inconvenient times, and for hours, maybe days, too...

After the session, I'll fill you guys in on whether I've regained a little respect for my mother, or if I hate her even more.


Re: Going to see school counselor for "tangible" misanthropic (dissocial?) behaviors.

she knows she'll know once we start the actual session

Sharing your problems with your mother could be helpful but at the same time it is my understanding that any person over the age of twelve does not require a parent to be present for a medical visit whether it is a dentist, a doctor, a counselor, or other. I realize this may vary from place to place but once my boys reached their teens I always gave them the option of going in on their own. They usually chose to go in on their own but sometimes they did ask me to be with them for support. :goodluck: Mari
Re: Going to see school counselor for "tangible" misanthropic (dissocial?) behaviors.

great job on getting this arranged for yourself noughts. i am glad to hear it :goodjob:
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