I am kind of new to the whole forum thing so please forgive me. I am a 21 year old male that lives in Virginia. I was originally born in colorado. I had a happy childhood from what I remember of it. About the age of 11 or 12 years old I started to lash out at everyone. I would skip class and drink excessivly and do drugs all the time. I dropped out of school at the age of 16. I have one sister who has 4 children going on 5. My parents split up when I was 15 and my father moved away with his mistress. I worked until the age of 18 and moved from colorado to live with my father in arizona. I went back to colorado to visit and met an old girlfriend by chance and we got back together. She came to arizona to live with me and my father for the summer and from there i came to virginia to live where she goes to college. She has helped me turn my life around. I dont do drugs anymore and she has helped my get my G.E.D. and also helped me get into my first semester of community college. I have always had a history of depression and I have also been told that I am Bi Polar. I have worked so hard to turn my life around yet no matter how much I try I still have issues with jealousy and relationship/social problems. I know this is a long backround but maybe it will help everyone help me. Thank you. I plan to try everything I can to get my life back in order
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