Hello everyone!! I'm a newbie. The world of psychology & it's challenges are also new to me.
I'm here for a lot of support & a little advice. I'm still not sure exactly what is going on with me & am hoping you maybe able to shed some light.
Three years ago I had an "episode" of what the doctor thought was a thyroid problem & at that time my T3 was slightly elevated. A month ago (same time of year exactly as last time) I had an episode with similar symptoms but much less mild.
I've moved to the city in the mid-term. Went to the doctor who did a complete checkover. The bloodwork says there is nothing wrong with my thyroid. Which I find strange...The weeks inbetween the blood test & the physical I could actually see my thyroid bulge in my neck, worse on the right side. The results of the physical are not back yet. But by the end of it the Doctor said everything seemed normal.
The Doctor has given me some sheets to fill out regarding anxiety & depression. I'm not sure what to think. I HAVE been under a lot of stress in the pass 3 - 5 years. Just thinking about having anxiety &/or depression is stress!!
Thanks for "tuning in" & please let me know what your thoughts are.
I'm here for a lot of support & a little advice. I'm still not sure exactly what is going on with me & am hoping you maybe able to shed some light.
Three years ago I had an "episode" of what the doctor thought was a thyroid problem & at that time my T3 was slightly elevated. A month ago (same time of year exactly as last time) I had an episode with similar symptoms but much less mild.
I've moved to the city in the mid-term. Went to the doctor who did a complete checkover. The bloodwork says there is nothing wrong with my thyroid. Which I find strange...The weeks inbetween the blood test & the physical I could actually see my thyroid bulge in my neck, worse on the right side. The results of the physical are not back yet. But by the end of it the Doctor said everything seemed normal.
The Doctor has given me some sheets to fill out regarding anxiety & depression. I'm not sure what to think. I HAVE been under a lot of stress in the pass 3 - 5 years. Just thinking about having anxiety &/or depression is stress!!
Thanks for "tuning in" & please let me know what your thoughts are.