I really am not sure if this is the right section to be posting this in, but I did my best to select this one. I'm not even sure where to begin explaining but I'm just going to do my best at that too. I used to be overweight, but through a long span of attendences at Weight Watchers meetings and eating healthier, I lost weight. So much weight, to the point where I was slightly underweight. I returned to a healthy weight and stopped attending meetings. That was the beginning of the end. I started eating reckessly, feeling invincible due to all of the weight I had lost. Progressivley, I gained nearly half of that weight back. It took alot, but I decided it was necessecary to attend meetings again, and I did for a short while. I couldn't put my mind to it, no matter how hard I tried. I struggled with people telling me that I had done it once before, and I could easily do it again. I guess that just made the situation too pressure fueled and I stopped going to meetings. That was nearly two years ago. Last year, I joined Curves gym for women. I was so busy with my senior year, I could never make the 3 days a week, and eventually stopped going. I am 6' and currently weigh {{Edit: a specific amount}}. My BMI is {{Edit: high}}, I am overweight. I was very satisfied with my figure over the summer, I was not rail thin, but I was not {{Edit: a certain number}}. I was just very happy with how I looked. Once the idea of starting college set in, I have never been the same. I have developed seriously unhealthy eating habits. I will just give you a small sample. Today, I ate two oatmeal cookie smores, a half a dozen chocolate chip cookies, more than half a jar of olives, and excessive amounts of chocolate, all in secret. When it was halloween, I at an obscene amount of candy. The hardest part of this for me is that my mother is a registered dietitan, and yet I still cannot eat healthy. My brother found the jar of olives in my room today and just talked to me calmly about it. I guess that is what made me decide to seek help outside the realm of my family. I just get angered through stress and eat badly. When I am doing it, I know it's wrong, but I do it anyways. I am now no longer happy with my body. My clothes are beggining to fit too tight. This acctually makes me eat even more because I am so upset. I know this is going to catch up to me and I will have more problems than I already have. I am so consumed by school work because I am in an honors program that exercize doesnt even seem feasable. I get about 3 - 5 hours of sleep a night, not nearly enough. I dont know what I hope to get out of this, maybe advice, help... I'll take anything.
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