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Hi all

I am in the process of helping a friend that was recently diagnosed with depression and anxiety.She was put on medication as well a an anti-anxiety medication 3 weeks ago..I have experience with these medications and know how long it takes for them to kick in,but she has high anxiety and is tired of being patient,waiting for the medications to start working.We have talked and talked endlessly the past three weeks and I have recommend a few psychologists in our area to help her.

However,I am not sure where to go from here in regards to helping her.I am being supportive as I can be,but what more can I do to help her?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
What you have been doing is about all you can do... your friend needs to act on your suggestions now. You are her friend. You can't be her therapist. She needs to find someone else to fill that role.
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