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This is my 'poor me' post for the day haha. Last night I was teaching and noticed I seemed to be losing my voice. I was up sick ALL night - coughing and coughing...hurts so much. I am staying home from work today and I had to cancel my 8am therapy app't at 7am, which I'm not sure went over very well but what can I do. I hate being sick...I am so run down was bound to happen....


I am sorry to hear that you are sick BG...but I guess like you say with being so run down it was bound to happen. you can get some much needed rest :zzz: and talk with us here :D or at least talk to me because I am being a rebel because I am refusing to do work today....its just not in me :lol: :D

But I would say that you probably need your rest more :zzz:


Well, now that I'm up, I don't know if I'll be able to fall asleep again...and Jonah is barking at me...I have no idea why - I think either he's hungry or he knows he's darn cute when he does this! I'm currently emailing my therapist to apologize profusely for cancelling an hour before, but I am not safe to drive and I can't even talk without going into a coughing fit.

I have my laptop now, so I can chat to you from bed :D.


Hmm....bed, that would be awesome :D Wish I was home in bed :zzz: I could definitely use some more sleep. Not that I would get much as my mom would be bugging the crap out of me :rolleyes: Just having someone home with her would be an invitation to talk.

I just finished two tapes for one of my bosses and that is all I plan to do for her today....she has hit her quota for the last two days.....8 tapes in 2 days....enough is enough :mad:

Now on to the big project...if I have the energy :eek:


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Rest up BG and get better. Your therapist will be fine with the cancellation as stuff happens. If I can completely forget about my appointment opting for Starbucks instead I am sure your therapist will be ok with you being sick.

And Jonah doing what he's doing probably because he knows he is so darn cute. :D


Yeah BG...nothing beats Ladylore's Starbucks excursion as an opt out of that was classic :D Still brings a smile to my face when I think about it :)


Sometimes the smallest things amuse me :D And it was a that mental image again of you sipping your Starbucks, enjoying your day and then AHHHH :panic: THERAPY!!!!! :rofl:


You all make me laugh!!
BG, enjoy your rest. I wish I could stay home sick. Unfortunately, the sicker I am the more reason I have to get up and come here to the hospital. Blah.
Starbucks, though..... that sounds good. Usually I get starbucks and take it with me to my appointment, but skipping.... that's a whole new ball game!!


Well, still not sleeping :D but I'm definitely trying. Jonah has put me on ignore - no more sweet talking to me and making funny noises. My therapist wrote me back and said she understands...and appreciates me not giving her my germs, so I'm glad for that.

Now I guess I sit around bored all day. I do have to go in to work tonight for one quick class at 6:30, but I'm trying to figure out a way around it...


Hey Misha,

I'm a dog trainer here in Calgary. I own a Pet Planet and we do our training out of it. Not a very glorious career, but kinda fun.


Yeah...he was very forgiving. I made all my mistakes on him and he always forgave me and said "Let's try again". My Corgis are not forgiving at all - I can't make the mistakes on them that I did with Jessie. It's interesting how they are like that...


Well it's not my idea of a perfect holiday but it looks like I'm down for the count until at least Monday.

This is terrible terrible!! And of course I can't sleep cause I slept all day. Oh well...



It looks like your sickness is contagious...just kidding :lol: I knew this morning that I was starting to come down with something and slowly over the day it has just gotten worse. It is not surprising considering that we have had a couple of people off the last two days sick in our office and one of them being my immediate boss. I am going to kick his butt when I see him next for getting me sick now that he is all better and coming back tomorrow :mad:

I still haven't decided whether I am going into work tomorrow as I feel that I should because I have lots of work to do but if I don't sleep well or feel well in the morning then I will probably just go back to bed and sleep :zzz: too bad about will be there on Monday.

Anyway...just wanted to say that I can relate to feeling sick and crappy, it sucks :( :(
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