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Tuesday night I felt fine except for a bit of a cough, but by yesterday morning it was a whole other story, so by morning you might feel like total crap if you have what I have! I'm still not well enough to go in tomorrow, so it looks like I'm off til Monday. If I'd known this was going to happen I would have booked a cruise or something haha. I hope I've peaked in terms of how bad it's going to get...hopefully from here I'll just get better because I'm done with this!!!


Well I am probably an idiot but I am still feeling like absolute crap and came into work anyway. There are a couple of reasons behind it and not just because I have lots of work to do that it would just look really bad on me if I took today off.

Oh well...if I can just make it through today then I will have the weekend to rest up and hopefully get over whatever this bug is.

Tomorrow I plan to lay in bed with my laptop, dvds, a new book I just bought and my new Moods magazine....heaven :D


If you have what I have probably plan to not be there Monday and possibly's's cool though cause I can feel it leaving my body...I'm in the "can't stop coughing" stage where I'm literally coughing til I puke...trying to suck on ice cold stuff to soothe my throat but I think once this is through (hopefully by tomorrow) I will be better. My fever seems to be gone and I feel much better, except for this cough that is so bad that if I even try to talk, I go into coughing fits.


By the way, I'm making a "need to have on hand" for my next illness (and honestly, I only get sick like this every three or four years) but at the top of that list is those darn bendable straws!!! Drinking from a cup laying down just doesn't work otherwise!!


I can't do this....I am sick as a freakin dog and I am going home....I am getting worse and not better.

Talk to you all in about an hour when I am home in my pjs in bed :)


Well I am finally home, in my pj's, fuzzy socks and just about to take a nap now that my mom has left to go shopping so I have some peace and quiet. Although I love her dearly, she can talk forever :eek:mg:

Ahhhh...peace and quiet for the afternoon :zzz:

And yes BG...I think you may have given it to me by PM :lol:


Glad you made it to bed, Halo. I am starting to wonder if I'll ever feel better, although it's pretty much isolated now to my throat and sinuses. What I need is some Buckley's or something equally as disgusting for the cough. The Fudgsicles are great but my throat still hurts.

Get lots of rest cause nothing else will help anyway...except maybe a puppy licking your face :)


I remember the last sore throat that I had was so bad that Buckleys was actually soooo soothing to my throat and I loved it. My parents were gagging everytime I took it but I was in heaven.

I am lucky that this cold hasn't seemed to have hit my throat only head my as my nose will not stop running and a headache. I have a pretty deep cough as well and although I broke a blood vessel in my eye earlier this week which was only minor, it seems like I have broken more from coughing so hard. My how eye is now completely red. I look like the is pretty embarrassing :eek: Thank heavens I wear glasses so it covers it some.


Hey Halo,

How are you feeling today? I am *still* sick. I've asked for a bottle of Buckley's for a get well present haha. I really hope I'm better by tomorrow, but we shall see!!


Hello BG and LL :)

I am still feeling like crap and if I could just get this fever to break I think that I will make it. My nose has stopped running and I am not coughing as much which is a good thing but this fever is just nasty. I go from having the chills one minute to peeling off clothes I am so warm the next.

Oh well...lots of time to rest up and stay in bed :)
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