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Resident Canuck
Tsk Tsk Tsk. You have no idea what your in for. I'm a tight rope walking fool!:)

:panic: Uh oh, can I change my mind then.... I don't walk the tight ropes.....but I hear Dr Baxter is very good at circus type athletic activities :)



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:panic: Uh oh, can I change my mind then.... I don't walk the tight ropes.....but I hear Dr Baxter is very good at circus type athletic activities

No, I thought that he said that the only circus activity that he did was the armchair, elbow bending type...:beer:...But, for the sake of this community, I don't think 'that' meshes with the tight rope. :panic: :)


No, I thought that he said that the only circus activity that he did was the armchair, elbow bending type...:beer:...But, for the sake of this community, I don't think 'that' meshes with the tight rope. :panic: :)

Plus there is only room for one drunk tight rope walker...and I call DIBS!


Resident Canuck
No, I thought that he said that the only circus activity that he did was the armchair, elbow bending type...:beer:...But, for the sake of this community, I don't think 'that' meshes with the tight rope. :panic: :)

I must have been mistaken I was almost certian I saw Dr Baxter at the Cirque du Soleil.

Daniel was there too. Daniel tammed a lion and rode the elephant and Dr Baxter swallowed a sword and also was the fire breather...



Goodness! Those two are talented. :beer2: Always watch your back when your around these multi talented types. You just never know what is going to happen next!:panic:


Resident Canuck
Goodness! Those two are talented. :beer2: Always watch your back when your around these multi talented types. You just never know what is going to happen next!:panic:

For sure STP run for cover :woohoo: :hide:


Yay I am home from work now, drinking muscato and trying to find a good book about gardening :)


Welcome home.

It is 3am where I am. I probably should be sleeping, but.... :rolleyes:
I am a night owl at heart too but unfortunately work gets in the way of that.

I never really sleep well anyway so most the time i may as well stay up :p


Oh. That's pretty cool. Man, If I was born on a vineyard...actually I wasn't even born on a vineyard and I drank a lot so never mind. lol
That's so neat though. There were a couple wines that I use to get from Australia...I don't remember right now, I think I would have to see the bottles. Yellowtail? No that's not right but it's something like that and there was this other one, that was really expensive, but so good. :goodjob:


Haha i am not really a big drinker normally.

We did make a bit of our own wine but just for the family to drink, we didn't sell it. Plus i was too young to drink back then!

Yep i know Yellowtail. I think they are in New South Wales.

Less then an hour from me there is the Barossa Valley which is one of Australia's best wine and food regions.

Barossa Valley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Oh, it is Yellowtail? Look at that. My brain worked!:goodjob:
That Barossa Valley looks nice. Pretty flat terrain. I would like to go to Australia some day. Won't happen though. lol I hear and have read that there are HUGE moths there and that is a major no no for me. lol I could go to New Zealand (I know they are not the same place)and stay there if I wanted because I have family there, but same thing.

So you have never been to Canada?


Oh, it is Yellowtail? Look at that. My brain worked!:goodjob:
That Barossa Valley looks nice. Pretty flat terrain. I would like to go to Australia some day. Won't happen though. lol I hear and have read that there are HUGE moths there and that is a major no no for me. lol I could go to New Zealand (I know they are not the same place)and stay there if I wanted because I have family there, but same thing.

So you have never been to Canada?
Haha yeah there are huge months here but i think i've seen them maybe like 5 times in the whole 24 years i've been here!

They are gross though, i remember there was one camouflaged against a wall and when it flew past me a i freaked out :rofl:

Where i live there are not many bugs at all. We get a few spiders but that is it.

In Queensland where i was born, they have tonnes of cockroaches and they fly :yuk:

Really depends what state you live in. All in all we are extremely lucky.

I've never been overseas at all actually. I'd like to one day. Just need to get my head sorted out first ;)


Ugh. That would freak me right out. Last time I was at my moms a big moth flew by my ear and I fell to the ground and started choking myself (lol don't ask-I have no idea) and my mom said relax it was a humming bird. I felt all stupid. Then it flew in front of me and I saw it and it was a moth. Bagh. I thought my mom was lying to me to torture me for her own humour. Something she would do lol. I ran in the house and she saw acouple more and was freaked out herself. I'm scared to go out at night there. Not because of the bears and cougars, but the moths.

I have never seen a cockroach before but that would be gross. We have flying dune bugs (or june?) that are about as long as your middle finger and wide as two fingers together. They hiss, same with the other beetles. Hiss.


Ugh. That would freak me right out. Last time I was at my moms a big moth flew by my ear and I fell to the ground and started choking myself (lol don't ask-I have no idea) and my mom said relax it was a humming bird. I felt all stupid. Then it flew in front of me and I saw it and it was a moth. Bagh. I thought my mom was lying to me to torture me for her own humour. Something she would do lol. I ran in the house and she saw acouple more and was freaked out herself. I'm scared to go out at night there. Not because of the bears and cougars, but the moths.

I have never seen a cockroach before but that would be gross. We have flying dune bugs (or june?) that are about as long as your middle finger and wide as two fingers together. They hiss, same with the other beetles. Hiss.
Hahaha sorry but that looks hilarious in my head.

Eww dune bugs sound scary. Do they hiss like cats? Except with little bug mouths.

We are not doing a very good job of advertising our homes :lol:
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