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That's ok, you can laugh. It really is quite the seen. Sometimes it comes with special effects (vomit) to. If I picture it myself I laugh.
More like when you open a pop/soda slowly and it hisses. Like that. They are weird. I am not sure if it is coming from there mouths or if it's something to do with air in there shells or wings or something like that.

Actually your doing an ok job at selling your country. If there aren't many moths then it may be ok. Mind you, the things KNOW I am scared of them and just come my way. I swear, my friends have even said that before so it's not just in my head. lol


Haha yeah i am sure it wouldn't come from their mouths. I just like to think it does because it puts a funny picture in my head.

Yeah Australia really is awesome. I would highly recommend it! The heat might take some getting used to though.

Have you ever been overseas?


I think I could handle the heat. I love heat. It gets hot where my mom lives. I suppose I never know though with different humidity and all that.

I have never been overseas. The offer is there but never. The farthest I have gone is into the states a few times but no where really special. Well when I was little I went to Disneyland (I guess that was special) but I only remember a few things about that. Otherwise, just across the border.

What time is it there?


The heat where i live is fairly dry. Where i was born the humidity is around 90% :yuk:

It's 8.23 PM here. I am thinking i should make some dinner.


It's dry here to. A different dry though, I'm sure. I know nothing of humidity, I don't think it is usually a big deal here. I know in Manitoba it's crazy. It's like really thick air.

Dinner. I thought you were having dinner? The wine. lol


Yeah humidity is very thick, wet air.

Like if you have a shower and dry yourself, 5 minutes later you are wet again. I hate it.

Haha if i only had wine for dinner, i have a feeling i wouldn't get up for work tomorrow.

Looks like mum and dad are cooking a BBQ. Yummy.


I suppose that would suck if you had really curly hair and liked it straight. lol

Mmmm BBQ sounds like a good deal. It's coming into summer for you, yes?

lol Really good english! I could change it but why bother I will probably do that again with my, yes? and no?


Haha yes i suppose it would.

Yep i was officially summer as of December? What season for you?

Haha i like your use of 'yes?'. Makes you sounds fancy :lol:

Mmm chicken, sausages and shaslicks cooking on BBQ. Is there a drooling smily? :p


It is winter for us. My mom just flew to NZ for the whole winter or I guess summer for her. I think I need to overcome my fear of moths lol and so much more- I am realizing what a ridiculous statement that was...I could have summer here and then go there and just have summer all year. I would miss the snow though.

Okay, sorry, what is shaslicks? lol I am not very cultured I apologize.

I'm not sure if there is a drooly smiley. I don't recall seeing one. :crazy:


Mmmm just finished eating!

Do you have an actualy phobia of moths?

Uhm shashliks are meat on a stick. Sometimes they have vegies on them too.

There are pictures if you google them.


Mmmm just finished eating!

Do you have an actualy phobia of moths?

Uhm shashliks are meat on a stick. Sometimes they have vegies on them too.

There are pictures if you google them.
Oh Good! Glad you enjoyed. Oh Shashliks sound like they are what we call Kabobs.

I do have a phobia of moths. I don't know what a severe phobia of moths would be but I'd say mine is pretty bad. I don't like butterflies either. Only because of their obvious resemblance. If they are far away I am ok but if a moth is in the same distance, I am not ok. Plus a lot of moths, actually look like butterflies with the bright colours. Ok I am getting the heeby geebies. Blagh.

Well I imagine you have gone to sleep, sorry I took so long to get back to you.
Sleep well, hope you have a good day at work tomorrow.:goodjob:


Back at work again. It's like groundhog day!

Some people call them kebabs here, i think it just depends where you are from.

Moths are pretty gross i can understand why you have a phobia. I don't have any phobias. There are things i am really scared of but i am not sure it would be classed as a phobia.

I am not a huge fan of birds. I don't like the sounds their feathers make haha.


My dad is the same way with birds. If some are flying to close he freaks out.
Moths attack me to. There could be one right across the room on a wall, then all of a sudden it b-lines it right for my face.

How's work going? Do you work long hours?


My dad is the same way with birds. If some are flying to close he freaks out.
Moths attack me to. There could be one right across the room on a wall, then all of a sudden it b-lines it right for my face.

How's work going? Do you work long hours?
Ugh i hate when bugs hit my face!

Work is ok. Only just started so my brain isn't quite working yet :p

I work just the normal 8 to 5. I look after accounts payable and overhead buying. It can be good but i am due for a holiday.

Do you ever sleep? :)


Ugh i hate when bugs hit my face!

Work is ok. Only just started so my brain isn't quite working yet :p

I work just the normal 8 to 5. I look after accounts payable and overhead buying. It can be good but i am due for a holiday.

Do you ever sleep? :)

Sounds like a good job. Are you taking any summer holidays?

Sleep has not been my friend much lately...:sorry:


Yeah it is a good job. my boss is very supportive, of my...issues.

I haven't planned any holidays, no. It's a bit hard because a whole bunch of people were made redundant earlier this year and our department is very small now. So it makes it a bit harder to take holidays. No one to cover my job etc.

But i think next year i will take some time. I will be moving out of home early next year so i will probably take some time off then to get myself set up.

That's no good about your sleep. Generally i can sleep but it's just neve restful so i still feel tired most the time.

I just dream so much that it doesn't feel like i am sleeping because i am just up all night watching my dreams.

Look i found a bird smily haha :budgie:

Do you have ladybugs? :ladybug:
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