More threads by lallieth


Just doing my monthly drop in to see how everyone is?

Iam doing just fine...well healed for the most part from surgery and backing to living an active life:)


Hi lallieth,

I don't believe I recall crossing your path before but if you had a blonde chocolate lab retriever as an avatar, than I do. Great that your recuping okee-dokee! I don't know the particulars, but I'm not a fan of hospitals. Methinks... avoid them (with good health). Stay well.


Hi lallieth,

I don't believe I recall crossing your path before but if you had a blonde chocolate lab retriever as an avatar, than I do. Great that your recuping okee-dokee! I don't know the particulars, but I'm not a fan of hospitals. Methinks... avoid them (with good health). Stay well.

Hi Sparrow.

Yes the golden retriver is my girl..her name is Hannah...I am recovering from a tummy tuck surgery 3 months ago and its all good

Nice to meet you :)
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