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This is a Wellness Survery I found on line. I put it under "fun" because my opinion is no matter what the source, surveys should be taken with a grain of salt.

Mental Health Works - Emotional wellness survey

Since I'm unemployed right now, didn't do a thing for me.


On another note, if you saw my poem "my house is a mess" - my sis is on her way over - i've been cleaning for 2 hours!! :rolleyes:


Re: How's Work Going? Find Out.

Here are my results:

Mood: Your mood is significantly burdened with symptoms of depression and anxiety. You are experiencing a great deal of difficulty getting through the day. The quality of your daily life and your level of functioning are significantly impaired. You should talk with your family doctor or specialist to discuss a variety of options that are available to you to make you feel better.

Mental Focus and Self Worth: You have moderate problems with mental functioning. You forget things more frequently than you used to and you find that you are spending more time on making decisions. You are finding that routine work is becoming more difficult to handle. You tend to put yourself down and blame yourself for various failings. Your EAP may be able to provide you with appropriate programs to help you or you may wish to discuss how you feel with your physician.

Control and Lifestyle: You feel as if though you are losing control over your life and sometimes feel helpless. You have developed an unhealthy life-style and it is showing in possible weight gain, increase in smoking and an absence of physical activity. Your EAP may be able to provide you with appropriate programs to help or you may wish to discuss how you feel with your physician.

Mental and Phsyical Energy: You do not always sleep soundly and periodically you wake up in the morning feeling tired and lacking energy. As the day progresses you do not always have the energy you would like, and on occasion you are unable able to complete all the important tasks on your to do list. You do not have as much patience with people as you would normally show.

Overall Functionality: I am finding it difficult to carry on from one day to the next and I am struggling and sometimes completely unable to do my work at home or at work.

It would appear I have some work to do with my therapist. :rolleyes:



Re: How's Work Going? Find Out.

Hi Turtle

Just curious - do your results match how you feel or were they way off the mark?


Re: How's Work Going? Find Out.

Good question. Right now I feel alot better than the results indicate, however, when I answered the questions I went with a "generally speaking" mindset. My mood fluctuates numerous, numerous times a day so I could do the quiz again tonight and get a completely different analysis.


Re: How's Work Going? Find Out.


My sister has come and gone (a whole 10 minutes). She brought steak for me to cook for supper:D

---------- Post added at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

My mood fluctuates numerous, numerous times a day so I could do the quiz again tonight and get a completely different analysis.

exactly - thats why I just consider them fun.


My sister has come and gone (a whole 10 minutes). She brought steak for me to cook for supper:D
Re: How's Work Going? Find Out.

Looks like I've got some things to work on.....:lol:

Mood : Your mood shows evidence of depression/anxiety; you may have difficulties with functioning up to your usual capacity. You feel little joy and enthusiasm in your life and you have lost most of your optimism. You have a low tolerance in dealing with stress and unexpected challenges. Your EAP provider may be able to help you with appropriate programs to help you to feel better or you may wish to discuss how you feel with your physician.

Mental Focus and Self Worth : You have moderate problems with mental functioning. You forget things more frequently than you used to and you find that you are spending more time on making decisions. You are finding that routine work is becoming more difficult to handle. You tend to put yourself down and blame yourself for various failings. Your EAP may be able to provide you with appropriate programs to help you or you may wish to discuss how you feel with your physician.

Control and Lifestyle: You feel as if though you are losing control over your life and sometimes feel helpless. You have developed an unhealthy life-style and it is showing in possible weight gain, increase in smoking and an absence of physical activity. Your EAP may be able to provide you with appropriate programs to help or you may wish to discuss how you feel with your physician.

Mental and Physical Energy : You do not always sleep soundly and periodically you wake up in the morning feeling tired and lacking energy. As the day progresses you do not always have the energy you would like, and on occasion you are unable able to complete all the important tasks on your to do list. You do not have as much patience with people as you would normally show.

Overall Functionality : I am living a fairly normal life but I experience some difficulty in dealing with the challenges that come my way. These challenges adversely affect my ability to carry out my daily tasks at home and at work from time to time.
Re: How's Work Going? Find Out.

I got a lot of work to do also

MOOD: Presence of the symptoms of depression or anxiety Your mood shows evidence of depression/anxiety; you may have difficulties with functioning up to your usual capacity. You feel little joy and enthusiasm in your life and you have lost most of your optimism. You have a low tolerance in dealing with stress and unexpected challenges. Your EAP provider may be able to help you with appropriate programs to help you to feel better or you may wish to discuss how you feel with your physician.

MENTAL FOCUS & SELF-WORTH: You have moderate problems with mental functioning. You forget things more frequently than you used to and you find that you are spending more time on making decisions. You are finding that routine work is becoming more difficult to handle. You tend to put yourself down and blame yourself for various failings. Your EAP may be able to provide you with appropriate programs to help you or you may wish to discuss how you feel with your physician.

CONTROL & LIFESTYLE:You feel at the mercy of other people and fate. You are deeply unhappy with how you are treated at work; you have possibly gained a lot of weight, maybe smoking too much and you pay little or no attention to your self care. We recommend that you talk to your family doctor or medical specialist.

MENTAL & PHYSICAL ENERGY: Presence of the symptoms of burn-out
Your sleep is significantly impaired on a regular basis. You are always feeling tired. The quality of your daily life and your level of functioning are suffering. You have lost your drive, motivation, sociability and energy and this is likely causing you severe problems in completing your work. You probably have little to no patience with work colleagues. You have little interest in maintaining friendships. You are urged to speak with your doctor to discuss the most appropriate treatment for your situation

I am finding it difficult to deal with the challenges that come my way. These challenges adversely affect my ability in carrying out my daily tasks at home and at work much of the time.
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