More threads by David Baxter PhD

Daniel E.

Siggy, the HealScreen Therapy Chatbot

“👋 Hi! I’m Siggy! I noticed that you’re interested in working through your emotional trauma! O.K., great! I can help with that! My therapeutic artificial intelligence allows me to knowledgeably and compassionately process more than two dozen common questions pertaining to your mental problem! O.K., great! Please select one of the following brain mistakes:




Some other defect?

Still there? Don’t be shy! Go ahead and make your selection now!

Still there? Don’t be shy! Go ahead and make your selection now!

Still there? Don’t be shy! Go ahead and make your selection now!”

Daniel E.

Katrina Johnston

“I am a certified healing leader with more than twenty-six years of experience in treating alien-abduction trauma and nothing else. But the same skills I use to help clients overcome memories of live vivisection and arena combat on a planet of pure, searing energy are readily transferable to all manner of emotional struggles. Note: I do not require my clients to have undergone torture at the hands of extraterrestrials. However, we may spend our first session together discussing how exactly you know you weren’t disassembled and reassembled, given the power of alien memory-neutralizing technology.”

Chris Bonila

“I’ve always wanted to help people, but life somehow always got in the way. What I love about HealScreen is that when you buy a session six-pack, it actually lets you start treating clients yourself. Like, immediately. It’s been the most rewarding experience of my life, pretty much. Sometimes I’ll panic and tell a client to stop whining about stuff that happened twenty years ago, or I’ll accidentally recommend that someone take up alcoholism, but I guess that happens to all therapists every now and then.”
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