More threads by NicNak


Resident Canuck
I live in Ontario. I was just approved for my max allowance of 15 weeks EI sick leave. I am so relieved that part is over. :vroom:

But that is just the start of piles of paper work and processes.

I have Union Sick pool credits I can apply for that will give me another 35 days, incase my Psychiatrist agrees to put me on Disability, this will help bridge the gap for when my disability kicks in.

My prediciment lays with this. :reading:

I have LTIP (long term income protection) benifits at work. Should I apply for everything? My LTIP, Ontario Disability and Canada Disability at the same time? Just incase my Company LTIP declines me?

:hair: :banghead: :help: <--ok, it is probably not this bad lol

I have also heard that I have to apply for it all, as my LTIP benifits will take the payments of Ontario Disability and Canada Disabiltiy and just top it up to what my benifit rate should be.

I if there is any overlap between benifits I have read here and other places Ontario Works (Welfare) will assist too. I do live with Mom, but since I have proof of independance (as I have worked fulltime for many years) it won't be an issue, apparently....

Any insite would be helpful.

I do count my blessings that I have company benefits. I consider myself lucky, but I am just a bit more confused than usual :fool:
i have no idea what you should do.

have you asked at work or called the EI office to find out more?

i suppose technically you could apply for it all, and see what comes back as rejected, if anything.

not sure if this is helpful or not.


Resident Canuck
Thanks Into The Light for your response it has given me some ideas.

I can actually call my Human Resorces Manager at work or the union too and see how it all goes, or even my insurance company maybe?


Hi NickNack,

I am in your situation more or less in the last 1 -2 years myself. Your post sounded :hair: but guess what? The sky isn't falling because I'm still flying.

You got approved for 3 months, good. Do you have a good GP? Follow your GP's advice. A GP is powerful if they back you up. My GP was well rounded enough with scruples to advise me. i.e. Do not volunteer information to ins. co. that are nosy, it's none of their business and don't make it. Be vigilant to :reading::coffee:over the fine print.

I'm not familiar with Union Sick pool credits, but your LTIP (long term income protection) sounds like my company's LTD (for disability) which I'm still on since my U.I. sick benefits ran out.

Talk to your LTIP plan insurance company directly (the horses mouth) for information.

Also for what it's worth, my clinical depression and military physical disability
did not fit into ODSP or CPP in case you looked into long term.

My prediciment lays with this.:hair::banghead: heeelp mee!
<--ok, it is probably not this bad lol

Oh, did I mention...keep your sense of humour? ;)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Sparrow is correct: The more documentation you have from a physician (and psychologist if you have one). the more likely it is that your applications will be approved.


Resident Canuck
I have two Psychiatric evaluations, one from CAMH (2005) and my current Psychiatrist on file with my family doctor.

I have a Psychiatrist, which my insurance company requires in order for me to get LTIP.

He always suggests my family doctor fill out as much as possable as his form filling in fees are more than hers, but when required he is there. For little notes and such he doesn't charge me, but if an insurance form is lenghtly he will.

If he appoves me for disability, which last time he laid it on the line to me saying "it is either work or disability." , I feel bad for my insurance company if they go nose to nose with him. He is very nice to me, but he has a way of putting people in their place. I guess he has to be able to do that in his field. He told me what to say when work pulled me into a meeting regarding my sick time. He was very firm and said "You tell them you have Chronic Depression and Panic Attacks. Nothing else!, most people do not understand symptoms and they are private things you discuss with me, your family doctor or people you CHOOSE to share it with. It is not something you tell people on demand"

I am currently off on the direction of my family doctor, who I see the odd 2 weeks I don't see my Psychiatrist. My family doctor has an open door policy with me. I can see her when ever I need, she is awsome with me.

I went to her in terror. Totally scared to go to work. She thinks it is from when a co worker at my old store touched me innaporopately and didn't stop when I said no and was struggling to get away.

I am at a different store, but it is still there for some reason.

My Psychiatrist, he is busier, so I can't just call up and have an appointment, which is understandable, but I can always call and he answers his phone.

My family doctor and Psychatrist know one another. I think she did her internship with him, I believe. So both have respect for one another and work well with my treatment.

I thank my lucky stars, I tell ya! They both believe in me and I truly believe they are on my side.

Thanks everyone for your input. Dr Baxter and Sparrow.

No worries on my sense of humor. lol, it will always be here. Even in the darkest moments as warped as it might be, I still find a laugh.

That makes people wonder about me sometimes, "how can someone so 'depressed' have such a good sense of humor?"

Robin Williams is funny and he has Bipolar, I always say. Howey Mandell has OCD.


Good to hear you HAVE a GP, You have a good repore with her, and she is accommodating. Keep in close touch with her. Thumbs Up!


Resident Canuck
Thanks Sparrow. I am lucky to have a GP, let alone a fantastic one.

She initially diagnosed me. Well, I went to her with my OCD diagnosis lol, after researching it :funny: Told her I was spending days at the library trying to figure out what was wrong with me! Hello! lol

She has never judged me badly, ever.

I saw an intern that was working with her once for my prescription renewal, before I had a Psychiatrist. The intern left shocked when I said I was there for a renewal of Prozac and got my doctor. Outside the door I heard her say "With renewing prescriptions for anti depressants, I recomend seeing the patient once a month for refills. This patient I have been seeing for quite a while and I trust her, so give her 3 months as I usually do"

It was so nice to over hear someone say something nice, that they trust me. :D
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