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I am actually very open about my struggles with depression. My friends and clients know and they asked if I was up to grooming their dogs. I won't hide behind the stigma of it. If they aren't ok with it then they can't be in my life. It's a big part of my life that I can't get rid of.

i won't do groups. I have a really good therapist. I just need to get in to see him. And keep going until then.



You're lucky to have such understanding and supportive people in your life. I was not so lucky, personally or professionally.

From your responses, I get that you are a strong person who doesn't back down.

That will serve you well.


It's not for two weeks if I even go and I don't even know or care if I'll be ok til then. But thanks anyway.
then call your therapist and see if you can get in earlier or call your therapist and just talk over phone if you can but talk
i know i know easier said then done but do it ok many times we have to do things we don't want to do or feel like doing but we do it anyways h un. Turtle get back on meds ok you know stopping meds cold turkey like that will only make the depression worse


It's not that easy. I just got a promotion at work and started training on Monday. We're not in the same province so I fly to therapy. I can't call in sick and then get on an airplane the same day. That's grounds for immediate termination which will give me even more problems than I already have.
oh hugs to you hun hope then you can get some kind of support to help hold you over until you see your therapist and i do hope hun you will be fine hugs


My mood has picked up tremendously, thankfully. I had a very good day today, and got my hair done and am now tackling cleaning my room. It will take several hours, but I am glad I feel well enough and have enough energy to do it. It is SO hard going through these episodes, and they slam me into the ground full throttle, so hard they almost stun me, knock me out for days in a sense....but I'm glad I'm feeling better again.
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