Lost N Young
well I'm quite young and at secondary school.. its about the most hardest years of my life. i found out that all my friends have been really bitchy about me and said they hated me .. which i did over hear and they denied it , i find it really hard to trust people or if I do it takes me ages to trust them and i don't think that should be normal if there my friends. my ex boy friend adored me and we spent everyday together until he tried to have sex with me and said that he knew i would be easy , i couldn't believe it and ever since then I've been like this. as the days go on i want to end my life more and more , i hate the way i look, act and feel about certain things but i don't know if i should be feeling this way, i know i cant talk to any one at school or my parents cos the school would tell on me and my parents wouldn't understand as they said yesterday that a person my age can't feel depressed or anything , I'm a strong Christian and attend church often so i feel guilty about feeling this way !! can someone please help me !! xx Kelly xx