Cat Dancer
Sadly, I can relate to what you're saying and I just wanted you to know you're in my thoughts.
While I do still think of death, my death, it really is more of an acceptance
It doesn't have to be 'fixed' .......You just have to accept that it's part of your experience. Accept that it is so and then, create new life experiences. Ones that can be happy.
We don't always have to 'fix things'. In fact, I think that there are matters that cannot be fixed. Like grief - you can't 'fix that'. But you can integrate it into your new life, learn to be happy despite the 'grief'.
For myself, I'm not trying to 'fix' anything - I'm just trying to manage my life in way that I can be happy again. Recognize the hard points, know that they're a part of who I am - but still forge ahead with a good life.
It's not an all or nothing situation. It's just finding that balance sometimes.