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Good for you, RIMH! It sounds to me like your new therapist does understand, and it's my guess she'll be your best resource on how to get free of this strangling relationship. It's my firm belief, from what I've seen you post here, that you can make it just fine on your own. You just need to realize that the things that have been said about you are false and that you have the capability to do whatever you wish with your life, and do it without K. You're a strong woman. You're just beginning to find that strength. :hug:


Thanks Ladies....Yeah my new T is really good and has strong boundaries and ethics which I really like...She's trying to help me undue 8 years of psychological damage by an unethical therapist...

When I am rational, I know my thinking is distorted and it needs to be changed but when I get pushed to the edge, being rational goes right out the window...

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