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I was started at the lowest dose. I'm so dizzy and nauseated and my headache is constant. I can't hold my head up properly. This seems to be more than just a little bit of discomfort, there's no way I can drive right now, I'm just not okay with waiting weeks to feel okay, in hopes that this might be an effective med for me. I'm still open to continuing, but even at that, I am now getting a rash on my neck, so I don't know if I am having a reaction to this or what. I feel terrible, like I said I can't even hold my head up right now. Not cool.
Not good hun i know i was sick on that med too but there are other meds to try talk to your doctor ok

if you are getting a rash from it call your doc or pharmacist and see if you should stop it until you can get on a new drug

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I took my new med this morning and again in as many days I am feeling the worse for it. My instincts are telling me to stop this medication, and that is what I'm going to do. I have spent all morning doing a ton of reading on the drug, and I think stopping it is the right thing to do for me. I don't want to give up on it so soon, but the side effects I'm already experiencing at such a low dose are more than I'm willing or able to deal with. Blah.

What medication is this?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
OK. I agree. You should stop taking the Zoloft now and get in ASAP to see your doctor. That sounds like an allergic reaction and it will probably get worse if you continue taking it. It's certainly not a normal adaptation response to Zoloft.


That's what I thought too, and I have tried other meds before and haven't felt quite like this. It is subsiding a bit now but I'm going to call tomorrow because I think I'd be hugging the toilet all day tomorrow if I continue. The rash is pretty much the deciding factor for me here. Thank you for your input, I have been feeling very upset about this decision all day, and questioning my ability to even make decisions at this point, and my responsibility to myself for myself. I know I shouldn't feel guilty or bad about this, controlling that, however, is another matter entirely.
i took one pill tonight as i am not sleeping again i hope i keep it down so i can sleep Maybe i will be able to take both pills tomorrow

---------- Post Merged on August 20th, 2013 at 08:32 AM ---------- Previous Post was on August 19th, 2013 at 10:39 PM ----------

well it worked i slept but i am afraid to take the other pill i think it is the one that is making me sick i will ask gp on thurs but at least i got some sleep
took other pill at lunch today tired now got to sleep some tired

---------- Post Merged at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 02:46 PM ----------

i am so tired so sad i am not one of them i just took medication because i told my therapist i would i wish i did not feel or remember anything it is all to painful wish therapist did not mention a certain someone my girl is seeing because it just brought back so much pain
So saw my gp today took me off wellbutrin xl which is good because it made me feel sick put me on another medication have not got it yet maybe tomorrow iwill go to pharmacy and get it

i fill out a sheet how i feeling i improved it some i don't want to be seen as someone not in control

i will try different medication and to stay on anxiety meds as well

I am lucky really to have a gp who listens and does not judge she is young but very knowledgeable and understanding I wish my twin would go to her and my daughter too
She also agreed with my therapist that i should not take my girl home again even though she has a mental illness i have to somehow be at peace with myself with the efforts i am doing to keep her safe. calling her visiting her and what happens happens just have to pray that they all stay safe
wanting to leave is just wanting the pain to end that all inside me just wanting the sadness to end. Hope the new meds will decrease that want to leave some
Hi Forgetmenot:

I was really worried about you the other day. I am glad that you've seen your doctor and are willing to try another medication. You may have heard this before, but it's worth repeating, there isn't a one-size fits all meds. Everyone has their own unique combination that works for them. And, when they don't, you contact your doctor and you reach out for support. I think you've also made the right direction for you and your daughter. For now, so long as she is in a safe place, she needs to get care for herself. And, you need care for you. You don't have to be strong right now. Please don't beat yourself up over anything. As your life and the meds help your body, you will feel better.
Picked up new meds today suppose to take it at bed time with anxiety meds.
half of it to start but this med cannot be cut in half as it is long acting so don't know whether to just start high dose or cut it in half as i have done before

or just take 25mg of the fast acting pill which i have here until i talk to doc

what ever it is same drug just fast acting not slow acting oh dam i think i will just cut it in half knowing it will not be dispersed evenly but it will give me 25mg over a longer time see what happens

always something isn't there really but i have to think this one over a bit
My doctor said to take a half of the amt then work up to 50 but the pharmacist says the pill is not scored so cannot be cut but i have cut pills before with a pill cutter so for now i will just cut them and then talk to doctor on monday

The problem I run into when I use my pill cutter for a tablet that is not scored is that I'm guessing as to the amount I'm actually taking. I'm glad you will talk to your doctor on Monday. I hope you will start feeling better. Take care.
did not take meds last night had to stay awake for a call i just don't believe how a system can continually fail but no matter i will step in now i have too
no meds i have to think clearly i will go and get my girl and i will bring her home here to me and when someone wants to help her then i will let them but until they do i will step in to keep her safe because dam it she is unable to keep herself safe do they not understand that she has a dam mental illness and it is not going away and she sabotages everything because she does not believe she deserves to win do they not get that dam it i will keep her safe because no one else is
she got into detox today i miss her so much my girl but happy finally she will be getting some help and be kept safe for a few day only but that is good
i did not get to dance but i held my grandchild and swung her around and i heard her laugh and saw her smile
she is beautiful beautiful heart she has
tired now don't know if i will take meds or not
anxious a bit sad a bit but nothing i can't handle

wish my girl would get well her little niece missed her today
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