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My heart, beats, I breathe, but I feel dead inside. Sometimes not even a trace of anger or sadness. Maybe just resignation to the fact that my life is just "the way it is". I know anti-depressants will only help to a minimum. Just life circumstances that I can't change:hopeless:


Re: I feel "dead".

Hi why,
I'm sorry your feeling this way. Life's circumstances can definitely take a toll on a persons well being.
Anti-depressants, are never the whole solution to problems. Alone, they are an aid to get a person feeling well enough but most of the time (and this is just my personal opinion) once a person stops the anti-depressants all those feelings will come back.
If you combine AD with therapy or even just therapy alone then you get to the core of the problem and go from there, and can begin to minimize those feelings.
Have you ever thought of or tried therapy before? Sometimes if you can't change your life circumstances then it may be good to try to work on changing your outlook on life.

I'm sure this is all stuff you have heard before. I'm honestly feeling like a hypacrit even saying it.

Sorry that wasn't much help, I can't think right now.
I do hope you start to feel a little better and hopefully those circumstances take a positive turn. In the mean time if you need to, come here, there is always great support(lol besides mine obviously) and a lot of people who feel similar and are very understanding.:)


Re: I feel "dead".

Don't feel like a hypocrite.

Yeah, I'm waiting to get into see a psychiatrist. Very familiar with therapy:lol: When I was a child I went to a child psychologist that came to the school, for my childhood issues.
Roughly a 1 1/2-2 years after the deaths I went to see a GREAT psychologist. Unfortunately I had to quit seeing her:( (long story there). Quite sometime later, I saw another. It was individual counseling that was with the same therapist who was giving me and my husband counseling. Although she had a good insight on something in particular relating to my mother, all in all she was, at the least, very unprofessional.

So yeah, waiting impatiently for the psychiatrist. Although I would prefer a psychologist. I went to a psychiatrist eons ago when I first had my panic attacks, and another one when I had my "breakdown" in '01. I didn't like the feeling of just me talking, then being handed meds. Ah well, we will see.


Ugh, well I'm sorry your having to wait. I understand how much that sucks. Maybe once you get in with the psychiatrist you can ask him/her if they will refer you to another psychologist. Can you not inquire about getting in to see a psychologist on your own? Mind you it would be faster with a psychiatrist or even a medical doctor for that matter.

It sure can be frustrating having to wait. I hope it isn't much longer for you.:support:
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