I'm really confused. First of all, I don't even know where to post this- and decisions in general are an annoyance. I find myself feeling detached from my general surroundings a lot lately and I can barely stay 'in the moment' at times. I really try but my mind just wanders off, but often I'm not even thinking about anything in particular but I'm just starring off into space. Why is that and what can I do to stop being so detached? Also, I find that my memory is really bad lately as well, w/ anything really. I will write an email and 5min later I won't remember whether I wrote it or if I did whether I send it or not... or I will have a conversation with someone and have no idea what they just said or what I even said... it feels so weird. Like I consciously have to make an effort to stay in the present, focusing on every single word and make an effort to remember things, but I'm just asking b/c this isn't usual for me at all... I dont' think it's a lack of sleep really, maybe, I don't know. Also, I feel like I go from good to bad to good to bad every day like 10 times. One moment everything will be fine, then everything will be horrible, I will actually think 'okay, things aren't so bad' only to think a little later 'okay, things are really bad'. Am I trying to push away my feelings maybe? Trying to pretend like they're not there, hence the back and forth and detaching from things?? :?? It's been really difficult dealing w/ all of this, I don't understand why it's even happening.? :dontknow: