More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's a mix of snow and rain out there tonight. :rant:

At least I did get my snow tires on, oil changed, and brakes upgraded a couple of weeks back.

It's not like we're going to have a ton of the stuff and I realize it's almost December but I've been enjoying this extended autumn. Now I'm going to have to admit that winter is here and start wearing winter clothing instead of short sleeves and a Harris Tweed. :vent:


Resident Canuck
We got cold rain here today, burrrrr! Mom and I got soaked. I think snow is better when it is cold than rain. Cause I get wet in the rain. Snow I can brush off :)

Oh, I also like snow cause now that it is darker early. It keeps things to look bright. I don't like the dark.


Break out your toque.
Our snow just melted today. It's been so weird. Snowing when it shouldn't and nice when it shouldn't be.

I love winter.:goodjob:


Can't wait there is more snow than ice. It's real b**** to walk around with all this ice on the ground.

We've had a warm autumn too.


Resident Canuck
You all just have bad karma from a previous life :D

I saw people in Florida in the "winter" wearing heavy coats too. Wonder what you folks would wear here in our winter :teehee:

You all know when us Northern folk visit cause we are all in t-shirts in your winter time. :lol:
I agree Dr. Baxter....I'm just a few hours from Ottawa, and it's been darn chilly here too! Mostly really cold rain, but I did wake up to snow on Friday morning! It's coming...and there's no way of stopping it! But it's nice when you can atleast make snowballs out of the snow!

I too enjoyed the long fall ! Quite a change from Calgary, where we are almost sure to get a snow fall in September! :lol: :lol:


Just ain't natural for humans to have to endure winter temps. In fact .... even in the Bible.....

Have you ever seen a picture of Adam and Eve shoveling snow?

Humans are just not designed for winter weather....we don't have warm furry coats..well...most of us don't...:red:

I rest my case..;)
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